Microsoft word - brief resume - james popo gore _general_

PO Box 1368, BOROKO, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea JAMES POPO GORE P - +675 340 0519 M - +675 7177 1670 F - +675 320 0918 Skype - james.gore4
E - or Professional Profile
Career Objective
Establish a successful locally owned chartered accounting firm which bridges the gap between the "Big 4" international accounting firms and the local accounting firms. Personal Profile
James is 35 years old, married to Javero Kefe and father to Marjorie (12) and Remijius (7). He is a proud Papua New Guinean and who did all his academic studies in PNG. James has over 12 years work experience having worked for PwC for over 10 years (2 years in Brisbane, Australia and over 8 years in PNG). He has been the Principal of Gore Accountants & Business Advisors (GABA) since October 2009 (less than 2 years). He established GABA after leaving his employment with PwC in September 2009. James is one of the leading local accounting professionals and contributes significantly to the affairs of the Certified Practicing Accountants PNG (CPAPNG) as Council Member, Treasurer and Committee Member since 2003. James is also either a director or company secretary of a number of companies, including previously selected and participated on the NASFUND Board as a Trainee Director. Professional Value Statement
James has significant experience in providing auditing, accounting, compliance and business advisory services to clients in a wide range of industries/ sectors in both Australia and Papua New Guinea. Most of his working life he spent providing professional services to mining companies which include Lihir Gold Limited Group (now part of Newcrest Mining Limited Group), New Hope Corporation Limited Group, Consolidated Rutile Limited Group, Harmony Gold Australia, Porgera Joint Venture & Barrick Gold PNG entities, Ok Tedi Mining Limited, Bougainville Copper Limited, Woodlark Mining Limited and Heritage Gold PNG Limited. James has a deep knowledge and experience of financial reporting under the International Financial Reporting Standards from years of providing professional services to entities of various types and sizes (listed, unlisted high profile, SMEs, government, non-government, not-for-profit, partnerships and joint ventures). He not only provides numerous technical accounting advices to clients but also ensures they make commercial sense. As a demonstration of his expertise in technical accounting and financial reporting James conducted several technical accounting and financial reporting trainings over the years. James also possesses a reasonably strong tax effect accounting skills. This is demonstrated in the tax effect accounting trainings conducted over the last five years. James has developed a strong operational knowledge of his clients and the industries that they operate in. This ensures he has an appreciation of the big picture, understands their objectives, aware of client specific and industry risks and recommends appropriate mitigating strategies. He has a strong risk management focus and experience, particularly those risks that will have financial impact on his clients. Between 2007 and 2008 James worked as a Manager in the Financial Assurance Division of PwC, based in Brisbane. During that period in Brisbane, his Australian clients undertook capital raising, acquisition/mergers, restructure of or establishing employee share-based remunerations schemes, financial restructures, significant capital expenditures to support expansions, establishing shared services functions, implementing new financial and reporting systems, implement cost allocation/ recharges methodologies, overseas property acquisition comprising reasonably complex investment structures, etc. Skills Summary
James Popo Gore - Resume
Professional Experience
Principal - Gore Accountants & Business Advisors (October 2009 - Present)
Service delivery (audit, risk management, process improvement, accounting, compliance and business advisory services) Major clients include PNG Sustainable Development Program Limited, PNG Ports Corporation Limited, National Development Bank Limited, Woodlark Mining Limited, Lihir Business Services Limited and Ok Tedi Mining Limited (to name a few) Accounting and finance (including billings, cash collections, payment of creditors, employees, taxes, and statutory fees) Human resource (including staff recruitment, retention, recognition, counseling, mentoring and development) Sponsorships and donations to charitable organisations Senior Manager (Assurance & Business Advisory Services) - PwC, Port Moresby (September 2008 - September

Manage audit and related client portfolio comprising large high profile international and local organizations, listed and unlisted, government and non-government, profit and not for profit organizations Project manage client service delivery and lead teams comprising up to 15 team members, including multi-location (i.e. all over the world for specific client service projects) Provide technical support to subordinate, peers and superiors Major clients include Lihir Gold Limited, Porgera Joint Venture & Barrick PNG Subsidiaries, Ok Tedi Mining Limited (to name a few) Staff counseling, mentoring and training Manager (Financial Assurance) - PwC, Brisbane (April 2007 - August 2008) and (August - November 2004)
Same responsibilities as for Senior Manager Major clients include Lihir Gold Group (now Newcrest), New Hope Corporation Group and Consolidated Rutile Group (to name a few) Same responsibilities as for Senior Manager Same responsibilities as for Senior Manager Lot 11, Section 3, Boroko Drive  National Capital District, PNG  +675 7177 1670  James Popo Gore - Resume
Manager (Assurance & Business Advisory Services) - PwC, Port Moresby (January - July 2004) and
(December 2004 - March 2007)

Manage a portfolio of small to medium size clients, including a couple of large high profile organisations Major clients include Ok Tedi Mining Limited, PNG Sustainable Development Program Limited, Porgera Joint Venture (to name a few) Staff counseling, mentoring and training Graduate Accountant to Senior Accountant - PwC, Port Moresby (January 1999 - December 2003)
Directorships & Similar Roles
Director - Transparency International PNG Chapter, 2011 Director - PNG 2015 Pacific Games Limited, 2011 Resident Director - Rubicon Point (PNG) Limited, 2011 Company Secretary - Heritage Manda Gold Limited (subsidiary of ASX listed Heritage Gold NZ Ltd), 2011 Trainee Director - National Superannuation Fund (NASFUND), 2009 - 2010 Treasurer - Certified Practicing Accountants PNG (CPAPNG), 2006/7 and 2008/9 Council Member - CPAPNG, 2003 - 2011 2015 Pacific Games Organising Committee, 2011 Various Committee Membership - CPAPNG, 2003 - 2011 Qualifications, Licenses & Affiliations
CPA - Certified Practicing Accountants PNG, 2003 Bachelor of Commerce (Accountancy) - PNG University of Technology, 1998 Registered Public Accountant - Accountants Registration Board of PNG, since 2010 Registered Company Auditor - Accountants Registration Board of PNG, since 2010 Member - Transparency International PNG Chapter, 2011 Professional Member - PNG Institute of Directors, since 2010 Member - Badili Club (a Professional Networking Club), since 2009 Achievements or Highlights
Dux of Bachelor of Commerce (Accountancy) - PNG University of Technology, 1996 - 1998 Council Medal Winner & Degree with Merit - PNG University of Technology, 1998 Established a new Accounting Firm - Gore Accountants & Business Advisors, 2009 First PNG National as a Manager in a "Big 4" International Chartered Accounting Firm in Australia, PwC Brisbane, 2007 Lot 11, Section 3, Boroko Drive  National Capital District, PNG  +675 7177 1670  James Popo Gore - Resume
Promoted to manager at PwC, Port Moresby in 5 years (the shortest time for any PNG manager at PwC) Young Entreprenuer/ Director of the Year - PNG Institute of Directors - 2011 Selected to participate as Trainee Director - NASFUND, 2009 - 2010 Publications & Presentations
Employee Share-based Remuneration - NASFUND Newsletter, October 2010 Accounting for Carbon Emission Reduction under a Global Emissions Trading Scheme - CPAPNG Journal, March 2010 Risk Management - NASFUND Newsletter (series of articles), February - May 2010 IFRS 7 Financial Instrument Disclosures - Are they worth the effort? - CPAPNG Journal, June 2009 Financial Risk Management - NASFUND Newsletter (series of articles), February - September 2009 Carbon Emissions Rights Trading - The Big Picture of how it will work - CPAPNG Journal , January 2009 Managing Your Costs - CPAPNG Annual Lae Conference , August 2010 Introduction to the Mining Industry (Accounting Perspective) - CPAPNG, Port Moresby, July 2010 Global Carbon Emissions Reduction Trading Scheme, CPAPNG/ CPAA (PNG Branch) Joint Annual Conference, Port Moresby, November 2009 Regulatory Hot Topics - Bank of PNG, Life Insurance & Superannuation Supervision Department, Port Moresby, November 2009 Investment Valuation - Bank of PNG, Life Insurance & Superannuation Supervision Department, Port Moresby, November 2009 Tax Effect Accounting - CPAPNG, Port Moresby, Lae & Madang, October 2009 A Papua New Guinean's Career Building in the Global Community - 2009 Rotary Youth Leadership Award, Port Moresby, April 2009 Introduction to the Mining Industry (Accounting Perspective) - PwC, Brisbane, July 2008 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates - PwC, Brisbane, July 2008 International Financial Reporting Standards Update - CPAPNG, Port Moresby, August 2006 Audit Committee Seminar - Institute of Internal Auditors (PNG Chapter), June 2005 Accounting for Directors, Managers & Non-Accountants - CPAPNG, June 2005 Testimonials & Referees
Desmond Yaninen - Executive Manager, Lending, National Development Bank (NDB) "When I was Audit Manager, NDB engaged James to review our compliance driven internal audit manual with a view to make it risk based. We worked together on this project and the key deliverables presented upon completion were approved by the Board Audit & Risk Committee and the Board. I have found James to be an excellent professional and person. His attention to detail, lateral thinking and in-depth savvy has added tremendous value to NDB." John Watkins - Chief Financial Officer, Woodlark Mining Limited "James - best of luck with job change - it's a big disappointment for us as you have become very familiar with WML and I am sure that 2009 audit will be in a better starting position, thanks to your input." Lot 11, Section 3, Boroko Drive  National Capital District, PNG  +675 7177 1670  James Popo Gore - Resume
Dr. Ken Ngangan - Finance Manager Organisation - Coffey International Development/ Sub National Strategy Program Relationship - Client Phone - +675 323 6623 Email - Vere Arava - Chief Financial Officer Organisation - PNG Sustainable Development Program Limited Relationship - Client Phone - +675 320 3844 Email - Richard Maru - Managing Director Organisation - National Development Bank Limited Relationship - Client Phone - +675 324 7511 Email - Jackson Zabala - Commercial Manager PNG & Projects Organisation - LCR PNG Relationship - Client Phone - +675 7200 6001 Email - Nigel Parker - Managing Director Organisation - Ok Tedi Mining Limited Relationship - Client Phone - +675 548 5034 Email - John Watkins - Chief Financial Officer Organisation - Woodlark Mining Limited Relationship - Client Phone - +61 2 9262 5651 Email - Jonathan Seeto - Partner, Assurance & Business Advisory Services Organisation - PricewaterhouseCoopers Relationship - Former superior Phone - +675 321 1500 Email - Stephen Beach - Lae Office Managing Partner Organisation - PricewaterhouseCoopers Relationship - Former superior Phone - +675 472 6092 Email - Paul Kiruwi - Financial Controller Organisation - Falk Australia Relationship - Former colleague at PricewaterhouseCoopers Phone - (2) 4962 8022 Email - Lot 11, Section 3, Boroko Drive  National Capital District, PNG  +675 7177 1670 


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