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COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION of 4 February 2008 concerning a coordinated Community monitoring programme for 2008 to ensure compliance with maximum levels of pesticide residues in and on cereals and certain other products of plant origin and national monitoring programmes for 2009 (notified under document number C(2008) 369)(Text with EEA relevance)
residue monitoring, Member States are only able toanalyse samples of eight products each year within acoordinated monitoring programme. Pesticide usesshow changes within the timescale of three-year cycles.
Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European
Each pesticide should thus generally be monitored in 20-
Community, and in particular Article 211 thereof,
30 food products over a series of three-year cycles.
Residues of the pesticides covered by this Recommen-
Having regard to Council Directive 86/362/EEC of 24 July 1986
dation should be monitored in 2008, as this will allow
on the fixing of maximum levels for pesticide residues in and
using these data for the estimation of actual dietary
on cereals (1), and in particular Article 7(2)(b) thereof,
exposure to them. As monitoring has to cover three-year cycles and to allow Member States to submit theirmonitoring programmes for 2009, this Recommendationshould further set out indications for the monitoring to
Having regard to Council Directive 90/642/EEC of 27
November 1990 on the fixing of maximum levels forpesticide residues in and on certain products of plant origin,including fruit and vegetables (2), and in particular Article4(2)(b) thereof,
On the basis of a binomial probability distribution, it canbe calculated that examination of 642 samples allowswith a certainty of more than 99 %, the detection of asample containing pesticide residues above the limit ofdetermination (LOD), provided that not less than 1 % of
products of plant origin contain residues above that limit. Collection of these samples should be apportionedbetween Member States on the basis of population andconsumer numbers, with a minimum of 12 samples per
Directives 86/362/EEC and 90/642/EEC provide that the
Commission should progressively work towards a systemwhich would permit the estimation of dietary exposureto pesticides. To make realistic estimations possible, dataon the monitoring of pesticide residues should be
Guidelines concerning 'Quality Control Procedures for
available in a number of food products which constitute
Pesticide Residue Analysis' are published on the
major components of the European diet. It is generally
Commission website (3). It is agreed that these guidelines
recognised that major components of the European diet
should be applied as far as possible by the analytical
are constituted by some 20-30 food products. In view of
laboratories of the Member States and should be
the resources available at national level for pesticide
reviewed continuously in the light of experience gainedin the monitoring programmes.
(1) OJ L 221, 7.8.1986, p. 37. Directive as last amended by
Commission Directive 2007/73/EC (OJ L 329, 14.12.2007, p. 40).
(3) Document SANCO/3131/2007 of 31 October 2007
(2) OJ L 350, 14.12.1990, p. 71. Directive as last amended by Directive
Commission Directive 2002/63/EC of 11 July 2002
been developed for supply of data by e-mail from the
establishing Community methods of sampling for the
Member States to the Commission. Member States
official control of pesticide residues in and on products
should therefore be able to send their reports to the
of plant and animal origin and repealing Directive
Commission in the standard format. The further deve-
79/700/EEC (1) incorporates the sampling methods and
lopment of such a standard format is most effectively
procedures recommended by the Codex Alimentarius
undertaken by the development of guidelines by the
The measures provided for in this recommendation are in
Regarding the analysis of animal products expected to be
accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee
carry out from 2009 onwards, the official laboratories
need to know well in advance in order to be adapted tothis recommendation, which pesticides and commoditiesof animal origin are going to be sought, these combi-nations are indicated in Annex I with a (d).
1. Member States are invited, during the year 2008, to take and
Directives 86/362/EEC and 90/642/EEC require Member
analyse samples for the product/pesticide residue combi-
States to specify the criteria applied in drawing up their
nations set out in Annex I except for animal products (d)
national inspection programmes. Such information
that it will be for 2009 onwards. The number of samples of
should include the criteria applied in determining the
each product are allocated to them in Annex II, reflecting as
numbers of samples to be taken and analyses to be
appropriate, national, Community and third country share of
carried out and the reporting levels applied, the criteria
by which the reporting levels have been fixed and detailsof accreditation under the Regulation (EC) No 882/2004of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29April 2004 on official controls performed to ensure
The lot to be sampled should be chosen randomly, in line
the verification of compliance with feed and food law,
animal health and animal welfare rules (2). As regards theaccreditation of laboratories, the derogation provided forin Article 18 of Commission Regulation (EC) No
The sampling procedure, including the number of units,
2076/2005 of 5 December 2005 laying down transi-
should be in line with Directive 2002/63/EC.
tional arrangements for the implementation of Regu-lations (EC) No 853/2004, (EC) No 854/2004 and (EC)No 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of theCouncil and amending Regulations (EC) No 853/2004
2. The samples taken and analysed by each Member State in
and (EC) No 854/2004 (3), should be taken into
accordance with Annexes I and II, should include at least:
account. The number and type of infringements andthe action taken should also be indicated.
(a) 10 samples of baby food based mainly on vegetables,
Maximum residue levels for baby food have been estab-lished in accordance with Article 6 of CommissionDirective 91/321/EEC of 14 May 1991 on infant
(b) one sample, where available, from produce originating
formulae and follow-on formulae (4) and Article 7 of
from organic farming that reflects the market share of
Commission Directive 2006/125/EC of 5 December
organic produce in each Member State.
2006 on processed cereal-based foods and baby foodsfor infants and young children (5).
3. Member States are invited to report the results of the
analysis of samples tested for the product/pesticide residuecombinations set out in Annex I by 31 August 2009 at the
Information on the results of monitoring programmes is
particularly appropriate for treatment, storage and trans-mission by electronic/informatics methods. Formats have
(a) The analytical methods used and reporting levels
achieved, in accordance with the quality control
(2) OJ L 165, 30.4.2004, p. 1, as corrected by OJ L 191, 28.5.2004,
procedures set out in the Quality Control Procedures
p. 1. Regulation as last amended by Council Regulation (EC)
No 1791/2006 (OJ L 363, 20.12.2006, p. 1).
(3) OJ L 338, 22.12.2005, p. 83. Regulation as last amended by Regu-
lation (EC) No 1246/2007 (OJ L 281, 25.10.2007, p. 21).
(4) OJ L 175, 4.7.1991, p. 35. Directive as last amended by Directive
2006/82/EC (OJ L 362, 20.12.2006, p. 94).
(b) The number and type of infringements and the action
4. The report should be produced in a format - including the
of the accreditation, the accreditation body and a copy of
electronic format - conforming to the guidance to the
the accreditation certificate, of the laboratories carrying
Community monitoring programmes provided by theStanding Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health.
(d) Information about the proficiency tests and ring tests in
which the laboratory has participated.
The results concerning samples taken from baby food andproduce originating from organic farming should be
6. Member States are invited to send to the Commission, by 30
September 2008 at the latest, their intended nationalprogramme for monitoring maximum pesticide residuelevels fixed by Directives 90/642/EEC and 86/362/EEC for
5. Member States are invited to send to the Commission and to
the other Member States, by 31 August 2008 at the latest,the information required under Article 7(3) of Directive86/362/EEC and Article 4(3) of Directive 90/642/EEC
(a) The criteria applied in determining the number of
concerning the 2007 monitoring exercise to ensure, at
samples to be taken and analyses to be carried out;
least by check sampling, compliance with maximumpesticide residue levels including:
(b) The reporting levels applied and the criteria by which the
(a) The results of their national programmes concerning
(c) Details of accreditation, under Regulation (EC) No
882/2004, of the laboratories carrying out analyses.
procedures and, in particular, information concerningaspects of the guidelines concerning Quality ControlProcedures for Pesticide Residue Analysis which they
have not been able to apply or have had difficulty inapplying;
(c) Information on accreditation in accordance with Article
12 of Regulation (EC) No 882/2004, including the scope
(expressed as sum of triadimenol andtriadimefon)
(a) Beans (fresh or frozen, without pod), carrots, cucumbers, oranges or mandarins, pears, potatoes, rice, spinach (fresh or
(b) Aubergines, bananas, cauliflower, table grapes, orange juice (1), peas (fresh/frozen, without pod), peppers (sweet),
(c) Apples, head cabbage, leek, lettuce, tomatoes, peaches including nectarines and similar hybrids; rye or oats,
(d) Butter, Ham (smoked or air-dried), Egg (liquid or dried).
(*) Indicative for 2009 and 2010 subject to programmes which will be recommended for these years.
(**) Chlormequat and mepiquat should be analysed in cereals (excluding rice), carrots, fruiting vegetables and pears.
(1) For orange juice Member States should specify the source (concentrates or fresh fruits).
Number of samples of each product to be taken and analysed by each Member State.
(*) Minimum number of samples for each single residue method applied.
(**) Minimum number of samples for each multi-residue method applied.
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