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Microsoft word - call summer school course en.doc

DIRECTORS: Prof. Nunzio Allocca and Prof. Lucilla Anselmino 1 - Aims Sapienza Summer School targets foreign students and it focuses on the Italian language and culture. It consists of two independent and parallel courses, taught in English and in Italian, both with a final assessment test. The Summer School exploits the extraordinary cultural heritage of Rome and its surrounding territory, and will consist of a series of conferences, language and cultural courses and guided visits to the most important artistic and monumental sites of the city. 2 - Admission requirements The Summer School targets foreign students with a secondary school diploma or equivalent educational qualifications from foreign higher education institutions, or students enrolled in an University course. Documentation should be submitted in one of the following languages: English, French, Italian, German, Spanish and Portuguese. 3 - Places available The minimum number of participants to activate the course is 20 for each channel. The maximum number is 30. If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available, there will be a selection process. 4 - Duration and organisation of teaching activities The course lasts two weeks, from July 14th to 26th, 2014. Total teaching activity is of 70 hours, of which 40 are lectures. The total number of hours, including individual study, is of 100 hours. Conferences: Roman archaeology and history: - The Origin of Rome between East and West - The Rome of Augustus - Places of worship and religion: temples, catacombs, mithraea Literature: - Dante's Italy - Leopardi and Modernity Art and style: - Michelangelo and Renaissance in Rome Music: - Fellini and Pasolini's Rome Culture and institutions: - "Made in Italy": fashion, style, design Guided Tours in Rome: - From the Foum of Augustus to the Basilica of St. Clemente - Palatine and Coliseum - Appian Way and Catacombs of S. Callisto - Pantheon, Navona Square, Church of St. Luigi dei Francesi - Palazzo Massimo Museum and Church of St. Maria degli Angeli - St. Peter Basilica and Castel S. Angelo - Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel - Capitoline Hill, Jewish Ghetto and Tiber Island - Galleria Borghese and Borghese Park - MAXXI (National Museum of 21st Century Arts), Auditorium, Bridge of Music Other itineraries and cultural events will be suggested for the weekend and for the late afternoon/evening. TOTAL ECTS A 75% of attendance is requested to receive the certificate of attendance and the accreditation of 4 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). Enrolment fees may not be refunded. For information about the teaching activities please contact: Prof. Nunzio Allocca Prof. Lucilla Anselmino Secretariat: Presidency of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Address: Piazzale A. Moro 5, 00185 ROME, ITALY Phone: +39 0649913140 E-mail: summerschoolsapienza@uniroma1.it 5.1 Submission of the application form for admission To enrol in the Summer School, candidates must follow the following instructions: 1 - Register at Infostud following these instructions: (http://www.uniroma1.it/didattica/infostud/registrazione). At the end of the registration, the system will release an identification code and a password to log in. The identification code has to be included in the application form. Please pay attention to insert a valid e-mail address (if you forgot your password it will be sent there). If the candidate has already been a Sapienza student, it is not necessary to register again. If you forgot your https://stud.infostud.uniroma1.it/Sest/ModPwd2/reset.jsp. 2 - Fill in the application form for admission to the Summer School (Annex 1 of this call). It is mandatory to enclose: - Copy of a valid ID, undersigned and readable (I.D. Card / Passport); Consent to the use of personal data (Annex 2); The deadline for the submission of application is March 30th, 2014, following the modalities below: By e-mail with the requested attachments to: summerschoolsapienza@uniroma1.it or By hand-delivery at the address below: Teaching secretariat of the Training Course Presidency of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Piazzale A. Moro 5, 00185 ROME, ITALY Open on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10am to 12pm By registered mail at the Postal Address below: Director of the Training Course Summer School Sapienza Presidency of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Piazzale A. Moro 5, 00185 ROME, ITALY Applications received after the deadline will be rejected. 5.2 Selection of applications The secretariat of the Summer School will verify the fulfilment of the requirements and it will publish a merit ranking within April 15th, 2014. After that it will be possible to enrol in the course using Infostud and paying the enrolment fees. 6 - Tuition fees The tuition fees are 1400€, which can be paid following the instructions (7.1 and 7.2). The deadline for payments is May 15th, 2014. The tuition fees will be refunded only if the Summer School is not activated. To be refunded, students should apply to the Director of the Summer School. 7.1 - Method of payment The (https://stud.infostud.uniroma1.it/Sest/Log/), then go to the section "tasse", then to "alta formazione/formazione", insert the code of the course indicated in the call, then go to "avanti" and "stampa". The fees must be paid by the deadline indicated in the call (6), presenting the payment form downloaded from Infostud to an Unicredit Bank. The payment can be made: on line, by credit card, on the Unicredit website using the form for the online payment 7.2 - Method of payment by a third party (company, institution, etc.) To fund the enrolment of one or more persons to the Summer School, beneficiaries must register on Infostud and obtain the payment form (7.1) and then follow the instructions below: 1 - the financing company must make a bank transfer to the following IBAN: IBAN code: IT71I 02008 05227 000400014148 Company code: 9001778 Tesoreria Universitaria Unicredit - Agenzia 30660 The reason of the transfer must be: "FORM (course code) matr. (matriculation number of the student)". This is essential to link the payment to the beneficiary. If there is more than one beneficiary please indicate the matriculation number of each student. 2 - After the bank transfer the company must send an e-mail with all the references (name of the company, VAT number/fiscal code, address and phone number, name, surname and identification code of the beneficiaries) to: loredana.petrucci@uniroma1.it, francesca.bernabei@uniroma1.it; once the payment is verified, the Accounts Department of the University will forward a receipt.

Source: http://en.uniroma1.it/sites/sitoen/files/allegati/Call%20Summer%20School%20course%20EN_0.pdf


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