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Preliminary Report: Adaptive entero-omentectomy: Physiological and evolutionary bases of an auxiliary treatment to type 2 diabetes
Adaptive entero-omentectomy: Physiological and evolutionary
bases of an auxiliary treatment to type 2 diabetes
Entero-omentectomia adaptativa: Bases fisiológicas e evolucionárias de uma proposta
cirúrgica auxiliar no tratamento de diabetes tipo 2
Sérgio Santoro1, Manoel Carlos Prieto Velhote2, Carlos Eduardo Malzoni3, Alexandre Sérgio Garcia Mechenas4,
Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; Omentum/physiology; Adiposetissue/physiopathology
Objective: The objective of this article is to report on a new surgicalstrategy specifically designed to treat type 2 diabetes: adaptiveentero-omentectomy (AEO), and present its rationale andpreliminary results. Some techniques used in bariatric surgery
are capable of producing fast improvement in type 2 Diabetes
Objetivo: O objetivo deste artigo é descrever uma nova estratégia
Mellitus, before significant loss of weight, due to metabolic
cirúrgica especificamente desenhada para tratar diabetes tipo 2:
changes that are currently being explained. Methods: Two type 2
enteroomentectomia adaptativa (EOA), apresentar suas bases e
diabetic patients were operated on. The technique included an
seus resultados precoces. Algumas técnicas usadas em cirurgia
enterectomy that left the first 40 cm of the jejunum and the last
bariátrica são capazes de produzir rápida melhora no diabetes
260 cm of the ileum, besides the resection of the greater omentum.
mellitus tipo 2 antes de alcançar uma perda significativa de peso,
Results: At five and seven-month follow-up, both patients had no
devido às alterações metabólicas que agora estão sendo
symptoms, reported early satiety and presented improved
compreendidas. Métodos: Dois pacientes com diabetes tipo 2
metabolic profile. Conclusions: This is the preliminary report of a
foram operados. A técnica incluiu uma enterectomia que deixou
surgical technique designed to help treating type 2 diabetes. It is
os primeiros 40 cm do jejuno e os últimos 260 cm do íleo, além da
based on leaving the bowel in the lower limit of normal range,
ressecção do grande omento. Resultados: Após um seguimento
diminishing the highly permeable portions and taking more nutrients
de cinco e sete meses, os dois pacientes estavam sem sintomas,
to the distal bowel to enhance the secretion of enterohormones.
referiam saciedade precoce e apresentavam melhora no seu perfil
The aim of omentectomy is to reduce visceral fat, contributing to
metabólico. Conclusões: Esta é uma apresentação dos resultados
a decreased production of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
iniciais de uma técnica cirúrgica desenhada para ajudar no
and resistin. After surgery, the patients do not need nutritional
tratamento de diabetes tipo 2. O princípio da técnica é deixar o
support. The procedure is simple to perform and its rationale and
intestino com o comprimento mínimo considerado normal, diminuir
preliminary results are encouraging. A protocol with more patients
as porções com alta permeabilidade e levar mais nutrientes ao
and long-term observation is needed.
intestino distal, visando melhorar a secreção de enterormônios. Aomentectomia visa reduzir a gordura visceral, contribuindo para a
Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes; Small bowel/physiology; Enterectomy/
redução da produção de inibidor do ativador do plasminogênio tipo
methods; Peptide hormones; Obesity, morbid/surgery;
1 (PAI-1) e resistina. O procedimento é simples e após a cirurgia
* Study carried out at Hospital da Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo.
1 M.D., Master's degree in Medicine from the Medical School of the Universidade de São Paulo (FMUSP), Fellow of the Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgia Digestiva.
2 M.D., Ph.D. in Medicine from FMUSP, Assistant Professor of the Discipline of Pediatric Surgery of FMUSP.
3 M.D., Master's degree in Medicine from FMUSP, Fellow of the Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões.
4 M.D. Fellow of the Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgia Digestiva, Fellow of the Sociedade Brasileira de Videocirurgia.
5 M.D., Ph.D. in Internal Medicine from the University of Bonn, Germany.
Corresponding author: Sérgio Santoro - R. São Paulo Antigo, 500 - ap. 111 SD - CEP 05684-010 - São Paulo (SP), Brazil - e-mail: ssantoro@ajato.com.br
Received on September 28, 2003 - Accepted on March 3, 2004
Santoro S, Velhote MCP, Malzoni CE, Mechenas ASG, Felizola SFA
os pacientes não necessitam de suporte nutricional. Os resultados
endogenous secretion of GLP-1 can do the same, or at
iniciais são estimulantes. Um protocolo com mais pacientes e
least improve postprandial glucose levels.
maior tempo de observação é necessário.
We believe that this impaired secretion may be the
product of long small bowels (following herbivore
Descritores: Diabetes tipo 2; Intestino delgado/fisiologia;
models designed to eat mostly food with less calorie
Enterectomia/métodos; Hormônios peptídicos; Obesidademórbida/cirurgia; Inibidor do ativador do plasminogênio tipo 1;
density), worsened by modern diet, which is highly
Omento/fisiologia; Tecido adiposo/fisiopatologia
absorbable and leaves the distal bowel with littlenutrient stimulation(14). A recent publication(15)concluded that bowel length correlates with weight,
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has become a major
A modern diet can be very caloric in small volumes
burden to mankind. Over the last three decades, it was
and very easily absorbed. This jeopardizes the
unexpectedly observed that many surgeries designed
neuroendocrine signals that depend on distension and
to treat obesity could immediately revert or vastly
on the presence of nutrients in the distal bowel to
improve T2DM, even before the loss of significant
trigger secretion of enterohormones. Based on this
weight(1). It became clear that unknown metabolic
concept, we recently described a new surgical technique
effects, unrelated to loss of weight, caused this.
to treat obesity(3) that simply reduces gastric capacity
Recently, duodenal-jejunal exclusion was pointed out
with a vertical (sleeve) gastrectomy and shortens the
as the anatomical feature responsible for this finding(2).
length of the small bowel to the lower limit of normality
However there are anatomical, physiological and
(3 meters); hence, it keeps mainly the ileum, and avoids
evolutionary data to support the idea that type 2
prosthesis, excluded segments, subocclusions or
diabetes mellitus is the product of a digestive tract
malabsorption. The general structure of the
designed to eat a primitive diet, but which is exposed
gastrointestinal tract is preserved. Medium-term results
to a modern diet. Moreover, a new technique(3) and its
are encouraging. We observed a rapid improvement of
variant(4), both recently described to treat obesity, have
associated type 2 diabetes even before significant weight
shown good results in improving diabetes even with no
loss took place, and there was no duodenal-jejunal
duodenal-jejunal exclusion. Instead, having more
exclusion (unpublished data). Improvement of the
nutrients reaching distal portions of the small bowel
distal bowel hormone secretion, simply by enabling
seems to be the real trigger of the improvement in
nutrients to reach distal portions, is probably the reason
It is known that taking sugar orally results in a more
efficient insulin secretion in normal subjects than that
We raised the hypothesis that we could use the same
caused by intravenous injection. This has been called
technique(3) even when obesity is not the central
"the incretin effect"(5), and is caused by the secretion
problem, thus not operating on the stomach and
of enterohormones, especially glucagon-like peptide
favoring more ileum and less jejunum in the remaining
1 (GLP-1)(6) mainly by the distal part of the small bowel.
bowel. Not including sleeve gastrectomy in the
Other enterohormones, like polypeptide YY (PYY)(7)
procedure generated a simpler technique, not focused
and oxyntomodulin (Oxm)(8), together with GLP-1(9)
on the treatment of obesity, but on assisting in the
induce a delay in gastrointestinal transit and satiety(6,10).
treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
These important signals generated by the bowelannounce, especially to the pancreas andhypothalamus, that a nutritive meal has been taken.
Both obese(11) and type 2 diabetic(12) individuals have
Under general anesthesia, a ten-centimeter midline,
attenuated GLP-1 secretion. One could think that they
supraumbilical incision is performed. The procedure
might not be able to produce GLP-1. Nonetheless, both
consists in excising the greater omentum, followed by
immediately after and many years after a jejuno-ileal
enterectomy. The first 40 cm of the jejunum and the
bypass (which takes nutrients to the distal gut through
last 260 cm of the ileum were left. An end-to-end
a shortcut), normal GLP-1 secretion is re-established(13).
anastomosis and the closure of the space between the
It is important to say that exogenous GLP-1 is potent
mesenteric borders are the final steps.
enough to normalize fasting and postprandial glucose
The Research Ethics Committee of the Hospital da
levels in type 2 diabetic patients(9). It is reasonable to
Polícia Militar do Estado de São Paulo approved the
accept that the normalization of a previously deficient
"Digestive Adaptation Protocol".
Preliminary Report: Adaptive entero-omentectomy: Physiological and evolutionary bases of an auxiliary treatment to type 2 diabetes
medications, all his laboratory tests were normalized,
All patients were sent to the Surgery Department to
including transaminases. Total cholesterol was 147 mg/
be submitted to our obesity surgery protocol called
dL, LDL-cholesterol = 84 mg/dL, triglycerides = 120
"Digestive Adaptation"(3). However, they reported that
mg/dL, fasting glucose level = 98 mg/dL, and two hours
diabetes was the main reason for being there, since
after ingestion of dextrose 75 g = 108 mg/dL. Blood
they live in poor conditions, the treatment is expensive
tests were repeated every two months. In August 2004,
and carried out irregularly. All patients had blood
his tests were as follows: total cholesterol = 153 mg/
glucose levels over 400 mg/dL in some occasions and
dL, triglycerides = 86 mg/dL, A1c hemoglobin = 4.2%
were under medical treatment.The "Digestive
(checked twice; low pressure liquid chromatography -
Adaptation Protocol"(3) was applied, but their stomachs
normal values from 4.0% up to 6.3%).
were spared according to a special informed consent. An independent clinician (S.F.A.F.), not related to the
Patient 2: A 37-year-old male, height = 172 cm,
surgical group, followed-up the patients and checked
weight = 122 kg (body mass index = 41.2 kg/m2). He
was admitted to the emergency room in 1997 due tohyperglycemia, with a diagnosis of T2DM. Since then,
Patient 1: A 38-year-old male, height = 168 cm,
weight = 109 kg (body mass index = 38.6 kg/m2) was
dyslipidemia and prescribed glibenclamide (5 mg/once
admitted to the Hospital da Polícia Militar do Estado
a day), metformin (850 mg/twice a day) and ciprofibrate
de São Paulo, in December 2003, due to polyuria,
(100 mg/day). His blood tests prior to medical treatment
polydipsia and mild hypertension. Blood glucose level
were: fasting glucose = 256 mg/dL; total cholesterol
was over 400 mg/dL. After four days, he was stable,
= 351 mg/dL; triglycerides = 1257 mg/dL; A1c
was discharged and prescribed glibenclamide (5 mg/day),
metformin (500 mg/once a day) and his previous
chromatography - normal values up to 6.3%).
antihypertensive agents (clonidine and clortalidone).
He was submitted to the same procedure on April
Because of poor compliance to diabetes treatment and
14th, 2004, and the excised bowel was 240-cm long. The
previous failure in obesity treatment, he was referred
to surgery with the following diagnosis: obesity, type 2
He also reported early satiety and lost 7 kg in five
diabetes, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) with
months. While not taking any medication, his blood
abnormal transaminases, and mild systemic
glucose levels were measured twice a day (even after
hypertension. His blood tests prior to surgery were as
meals) and were never > 120 mg/dL. Total cholesterol
follows: fasting glucose = 223 mg/dl; after a higher dose
= 150 mg/dL, LDL -cholesterol = 82 mg/dL,
of metformin (500 mg/twice a day) it dropped to 144
triglycerides = 184 mg/dL, fasting glucose = 108 mg/dL
mg/dl; total cholesterol = 159 mg/dl; triglycerides =
and 2 hours after ingestion of dextrose 75 g = 128 mg/dL.
255 mg/dL; A1c hemoglobin = 9.4% (high performance
No change in the frequency of bowel movements, or
liquid chromatography - normal values up to 6.3%).
in the aspect of stools was observed.
He was submitted to surgery on February 11th, 2004.
The excised bowel was 220-cm long. The surgery took
90 minutes. Patient resumed feeding on the second
The primitive diet was hypodense in terms of calories
postoperative day; he was discharged on the third day,
and rich in poorly digestible fiber. The individuals had
and told to keep his diabetic diet and discontinue all
to ingest large food volumes to obtain a relatively small
medications. Blood glucose levels were checked twice
amount of calories. Internal feeding signals could be
a day (fasting and one to two hours after the main
based on volume. In addition, it is hard to extract
meal). After the operation, his fasting blood glucose
nutrients from the bulky non-nutritive particles and
levels were under 100 mg/dL and postprandial levels
absorb them. A long bowel is important as a container,
were under 140 mg/dL. In addition, his systolic blood
but it also enables the absorption of nutrients. In this
pressure was not over 140 mm Hg, and the diastolic
diet, more nutrients would reach distal parts.
In nature, the poorer a diet is in calories and the
He reported that he was eating much less due to
richer it is in fibers, the longer is the bowel(16). That is
earlier satiety and had lost 7 kg in seven months. The
the main reason why herbivores have longer bowels than
patient also reported an enhanced physical sense of
carnivores. In the primitive primate diet, internal
well-being and was very much satisfied with the
signaling of a fully-fed state could also rely on the
procedure results. After one month taking no
presence of nutrients in the distal bowel.
Santoro S, Velhote MCP, Malzoni CE, Mechenas ASG, Felizola SFA
The modern diet has concentrated, highly absorbable
causing central satiety and stopping the eating process,
nutrients (including unnatural elements like refined
and diminishing gastric acid output, since the meal
sugar) and progressively less fibers and less residues. It
is possible to efficiently absorb these elements in the
In short, to live with 3 or 8 meters of small bowel
very first portions of the intestine, creating peaks of
(lengths found in normal and never-operated-on
nutrient absorption and an "empty distal gut". Internal
people) makes little difference in terms of absorption,
signaling based on volume and nutrients in the distal
since in neither case will malabsorption occur. However,
portions fails; an individual would eat without
it seems clear that is important to have nutrients
generating the proper signals of being fed and secretion
reaching and being absorbed in the distal bowel since
of GLP-1 and other distal bowel hormones would be
it triggers the production of enterohormones that limit
attenuated in this scenario, as has already been
food ingestion and are signals to the pancreas and to
Could longer small bowels exacerbate the undesired
These theories suggest that if an individual consumes
characteristics of current diet, contributing to obesity,
mainly a modern, hypercaloric and easily digestible diet,
diabetes, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemias and
it might be better to be "normal with 3 meters" than to
other conditions typically related to modern diet?
be "normal with 8 meters" of small bowel. This may
The study performed by Hounnou et al.(15) concluded
prevent the consequences of the lack of proper signaling
that bowel length correlated with weight but not with
from the gut to the brain, announcing the fed state and
height. Correlations with obesity-related diseases were
not verified, but it is acceptable to assume that.
Evolution has also worked on this matter.
Why is this matter rarely discussed? Simply because
Australopithecus robustus, an early hominid specimen
normal people are able to absorb almost all the absorbable
that lived about 1.5 million years ago, was a herbivore
nutrients, whether they have a longer or shorter bowel.
with strong jaws specialized in heavy chewing. During
In fact, the experience with short bowel syndrome patients
a period of glaciations, plant food became scarce, and
tells us that approximately 70 cm of the small bowel are
A. robustus became extinct while another group of
often enough for adequate oral nutrition if a part of the
humans adapted to become omnivorous. The higher
ileum is preserved and the colon is present(17). Thus, among
concentration of calories in meat allowed these Homo
normal people, what difference would it make to have 3
groups to eat smaller volumes of more digestible food.
or 8 meters of small bowel, if in any case, the absorption
In humans, the bowel length was reduced(22-23) (as
expected, since there are differences between herbivore
GLP-1 is a polypeptide hormone secreted mainly
by the distal gut in response to nutrient ingestion. It
In the last century, another great change occurred
has six fundamental actions: it is insulinotropic(18),
in the human diet when it became more concentrated
glucogenostatic(19), it reduces gastric acid output(20), it
in calories and even freer of non-digestible particles.
causes major reduction in gastric emptying(9), it causes
This change may lead us to theorize that a further bowel
relaxation of the gastric fundus (allowing the stomach
reduction is necessary. Evolution is doing its routine
to receive larger volumes with no increased sensation
job: selection. People are becoming obese, diabetic, and
of distension)(21) and finally GLP-1 crosses the blood-
dying. Obese people, as pointed out Hounnou et al.(15),
brain barrier and causes satiety(10).
The evolutionary aspects of the GLP-1 functions
have longer bowels. Shorter bowel is being selected.
are amazing. Because of sporadic access to food in
The "current human being" is insufficiently adapted
nature, the primitive men had the instinct to eat as
to the abundance of easy absorbable nutrients. Type 2
much as possible to create reserves for times of hunger.
diabetes mellitus is one of the consequences.
While they were hungry, the digestive transit had to
In terms of permeability, the jejunum is much more
be fast and create space for further eating; however,
permeable and has a larger surface than the ileum(24).
when nutrients reached the distal gut, it was time to
If food suddenly became a lot more absorbable, it seems
slow down the transit; otherwise, nutrients could be
reasonable to reduce this highly permeable segment so
lost in stools. Enterohormones produced by the distal
as to decrease peaks of absorption and prevent the
gut play this role by slowing gastric emptying, causing
early disappearance of nutrients from the lumen.
intense insulin secretion and blocking the action of
Indeed, the literature has already shown concern with
glucagon to help the body store the absorbed nutrients.
a "more permeable bowel" and diabetes, although this
Furthermore, GLP-1 relaxes the gastric fundus to let it
publication referred to Type 1 diabetes(25), which is a
contain the food that cannot be processed immediately,
Preliminary Report: Adaptive entero-omentectomy: Physiological and evolutionary bases of an auxiliary treatment to type 2 diabetes
Considering the modern hypercaloric, fiber-poor,
easily digestible diet, the jejunum has become
We deeply thank Mrs. Muriel Hallet and Mrs. Janice
unsuitably long and permeable. The surgical procedure
H. Hewins for revising the English version.
presented here (AEO) just copies evolutionary actionsand is an adaptive procedure.
Recent data suggest that chronic insufficiency of
GLP-1 production could be related to a progressive
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Antibiotics - Some Facts When bacteria invade the body, a bacterial infection is present. Often, the bacteria are removed by our own immune system before there are any obvious signs of disease. But if bacteria multiply faster than our immune system can destroy them, an infectious disease develops. An infectious disease is treated by drugs that harm the bacteria, either by killing them or by
Baldi I, Filleul L, Mohammed-Brahim B, Fabrigoule C, Dartigues JF, Schwall S, et al. Neuropsychologic effects of long-term exposure ● Index to pesticides: results from the French Phytoner study. Environ Health Perspect 2001;109(8):839-44. Barbier O, Jacquillet G, Tauc M, Poujeol P, Cougnon M. Acute Study of Interaction between Cadmium, Calcium and Zinc TransportAlong the Rat Nephron in V