Microsoft word - 2009-07-21-efd-statute_en.doc


Article 1
ame and Members of the Group

The name of the Group shall be:



The following Members of the European Parliament have agreed to form themselves into a
Group, pursuant to Rule 30 of the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament:

Dansk Folkeparti
Lega ord per l'indipendenza
United Kingdom Independence Party
della Padania
Mouvement pour la France
Λαϊκός Ορθόδοξος Συναγερµός
Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij
Laïkós Orthódoxos Synagermós
Slovenská národná strana
Partija Tvarka ir teisingumas
Rolandas PAKSAS

Political platform

The Group is open to Members that subscribe to a Europe of Freedom and Democracy and
acknowledge the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights and parliamentary democracy.
The Group subscribes to the following programme:
1. Freedom and co-operation among people of different States
Committed to the principles of democracy, freedom and co-operation among Nation States,
the Group favours an open, transparent, democratic and accountable co-operation among
sovereign European States and rejects the bureaucratisation of Europe and the creation of a
single centralised European superstate.
2. More democracy and respect of People's will
Convinced that the legitimate level for democracy lies with the Nation States, their regions
and parliaments since there is no such thing as a single European people; the Group opposes
further European integration (treaties and policies) that would exacerbate the present
democratic deficit and the centralist political structure of the EU. The Group favours that any
new treaties or any modification of the existing treaties are to be submitted to the peoples'
vote through free and fair national referenda in the Member States. The Group does believe
that the legitimacy of any power comes from the will of its Peoples and their right to be free
and democratically ruled.
3. Respect for Europe's history, traditions and cultural values
Peoples and Nations of Europe have the right to protect their borders and strengthen their
own historical, traditional, religious and cultural values. The Group rejects xenophobia, anti-
Semitism and any other form of discrimination.
4. Respect for national differences and interests: Freedom of votes
Agreeing on embodying these principles in its proceedings, the Group respects the freedom of
its delegations and Members to vote as they see fit.
The Group is formed by the Members of the European Parliament who signed the declaration to
the President of the Parliament of July 2009.
Application for Membership
New Members can be admitted with unanimous support of all subgroups.

Article 2
Voting procedures

Common political decisions can only be adopted by unanimity among the subgroups.
Political activities in the name of the entire Group must have unanimous support of the
subgroups; otherwise, it should be clearly indicated which Members support the activity in
The Group will endeavour to take decisions by consensus among the subgroups. If this cannot be
achieved, each subgroup or Member has complete freedom to act in accordance with his/her own
Only administrative questions are decided by majority vote.
The Bureau can decide an administrative decision must be taken by the Group by majority vote.
Article 3
Speaking time in the European Parliament

The speaking time allocated to the Group will be distributed on an equitable basis, giving priority
in accordance with the responsibilities of Members in Parliamentary Committees and inter-
parliamentary delegations.
The Group secretariat shall make a proposal on the basis of the wishes expressed.
Article 4
Group meetings
The Bureau organises working parties and Group meetings at which Members inform each other on the work of the European Parliament. The Group meeting shall be held the week before and during the sessions in Strasbourg. On a proposal from the Bureau, the Group shall decide on meetings held outside Parliament's normal working places. On a proposal from the Bureau, the use of Group facilities placed at the Group's disposal shall be allocated equitably on the basis of decisions taken at Group meetings. The subgroups have their own autonomy and can organise their own subgroup meetings. Article 5
Initiatives on behalf of the Group

Pursuant to Parliament's Rules of Procedure, Parliamentary initiatives introduced on behalf of the
entire Group must be approved unanimously at a Bureau meeting.
The group can express itself with a single voice on subjects on which there is a common position.
However, in the absence of a Group mandate, single members can always act and sign documents
on behalf of themselves.
Article 6
Allocations of seats in Parliamentary Committees and inter-
Parliamentary delegations

Full and substitute Members of parliamentary committees and inter-parliamentary delegations
shall be designated by a decision of the Group, taking account of the wishes of all Members and
ensuring an equitable distribution in relation to the political weight of the different committees.
Article 7
Organs of the Group
The Group is headed by a Bureau and a Presidency. The Presidency is composed of the two Co-Presidents and the two first Vice-Presidents. The Co-Presidents are responsible for tasks allocated to the Presidents of the political groups by Parliament's rules and she or he represents the Group within Parliament. The Co-Presidents and two first Vice-Presidents participate in the work according to an agreed division of responsibilities. The Group elects the Presidency for a period of 2 ½ years and each subgroup no yet represented in the Presidency elects its own Vice-President as the subgroup representative in the Bureau. The Group elects an authorising officer and a treasurer. These Members shall constitute the Bureau. The Members in the Presidency may chair Group meetings in turn according to the agreed division of responsibilities. Meetings of the Bureau are open to other Members of the Group. In case a subgroup cannot be represented at a Bureau meeting by its Vice-President or one of its Members, the Bureau can allow a member of staff of that subgroup to intervene in the meeting without voting rights. The Bureau shall be responsible for the smooth functioning of the Group. It shall submit for Group approval the choice of Secretary-General and staff and the distribution of their tasks. Article 8
Modification of the Statutes

Modifications of the Statutes proposed by the Bureau must be approved by all subgroups.
Article 9
Finances and facilities

The Bureau decides the budget for common activities by agreement between the subgroups.
All other facilities available to the Group can be used freely by the individual Members and
subgroups as long as they are not claimed by others. If demand is too great the Bureau will decide
Article 10 Disciplinary code
If a Member is considered to have violated the Group's Statutes, he or she can be suspended by
the Bureau for consideration at the next Group meeting, at which decisions shall be taken by a
minimum two-thirds majority of the Members of the Group.
July 2009


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