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5075 Ruffin Road Suite B, San Diego, CA 92123 STATEMENT OF CURRICULUM VITAE
June 1982
Bachelor of Arts, Physiological Psychology University of California, San Diego; San Diego, California. Southern California College of Optometry; Fullerton, California. Southern California College of Optometry; Fullerton, California. PRIVATE PRACTICE
1986 - 1989
Partnership; D.M. Rasmussen, O.D., F.A.A.O., Mission Village Medical Center, 3303 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California. Mission Village Medical Center, 3303 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California. 5075 Ruffin Road, Suite B, San Diego, California CLINICAL ROTATIONS
Southern California College of Optometry; Fullerton, California. Provided comprehensive vision care including contact lenses, vision therapy, low vision, ocular photography, electrodiagnostic services, auto perimetry, and disease detection. San Bernardino Juvenile Hall; San Bernardino, California. Provided screening and treatment of vision and learning disabilities among juveniles. D.M. Rasmussen, O.D., F.A.A.O.; San Diego, California. Assisted doctor on investigational studies, comprehensive vision care, contact lenses, low vision, autoperimetry, and disease detection. INTERNSHIP
United States Naval Submarine Base, San Diego, California. Provided comprehensive vision care including fitting and care for extended wear contact lenses. U.S. Naval Medical Corps. Marine Corps Recruit Depot; San Diego, California. Provided comprehensive vision care including disease detection. Balboa Regional Naval Hospital San Diego, California. Provided comprehensive vision care including disease detection and therapeutic contact lenses. Veterans Administration Medical Center Neuropsychiatric Ward, Brentwood, California. Provided comprehensive vision care with emphasis on gonioscopy, biomicroscopy, binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy and autoperimetry. RESEARCH EXPERIENCE
Bifocal Soft Contact Lens Study. (Bitech) Bausch & Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approved. Solution Study of High Water Content Soft Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Solution Study for Extended Wear, Low Water Content Soft Lenses. (Optisoft). Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Lubricating Eye Drop Study-For Use with Soft Contact Lenses. Bausch & Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approved. Soft Contact Lens Disinfection System used with High Water Content Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Enzymatic Cleaner for Air Lens Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company, FDA Approved. Bausch & Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approved. Ortho Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. 1986 Prostaglandin Ulcer Medication in Patients with Osteoarthritis and Ulcers. New Drug Study: Burroughs Wellcome Company. FDA Approved. 1986 Prostaglandin Ulcer Medication in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis receiving Aspirin Or Non-steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Corticosteroids. New Drug Study: Ophthalmic Evaluations. Ortho Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approved. Enzymatic Cleaner for Rigid Gas Permeable Material. Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approved. Enzymatic Cleaning for Soft Contact Lenses. Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. (Optizyme) FDA Approved. 1987 Drug Study: Ophthalmic Evaluation, Major Depression in Geriatric Outpatients. Burroughs Pharmaceuticals. FDA Approval Pending. 1987 Comparison of Torisoft Soft Contact Lenses Verses Equalens Gas Permeable Lenses in Comfort, Vision and Handling. 1987 Clinical Evaluation of Barnes-Hind Weekly Cleaning Tablet for Hydrophilic Contact Lens Barnes-Hind Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. 1987 Clinical Evaluation of Barnes-Hind Weekly Cleaning Tablet for Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. Barnes-Hind Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Lens Lubricant in Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Bausch & Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of a New Rigid Gas Permeable Material. (Alberta 'S'). Progressive Clinical Research Company, Alberta, Canada. FDA Approved. 1988 Clinical Evaluation of an Enzymatic Cleaning Tablet for Hydrophilic Lens. (Enzyme Plus Cleaner for Concept System). Sola Barnes-Hind Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of a New Rigid Gas Permeable Material. Polymer Technology Corporation. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of an Enzymatic Cleaning Tablet for Hydrophilic Lenses. Barnes-Hind Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. 1989 Drug Study: Ophthalmic Evaluations, Clinical Evaluation of an Arthritis Medication. Lorex Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of a New Lens Care System for Hydrogel Contact Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Lens Lubricant and Rewetting Drop. Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approved. Comparison Study of the three types of Disposable Soft Contact Lenses. Marketing Evaluation of the Boston Equacurve RXD Product. Polymer Technology Corporation and X-Cel Laboratories. Clinical Evaluation of Boston Avant Conditioning Solution. Polymer Technology Corporation. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of a Daily Wear Soft Bifocal Contact Lens. Ciba Vision Corporation. FDA Approval Pending. 1990 Clinical Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of a RGP Wetting/Soaking Solution with an Enzyme/Surfactant Cleaning Tablet. Sola Barnes-Hind Company. FDA Approved. Office Evaluation of the DuraSoft III Optifit Toric Soft Contact Lens. Wesley-Jessen Corporation. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of the Molded Aspheric Gas Permeable Contact Lens. Polymer Technology Corporation. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfection System for Gas Permeable Lenses Using the Airlens Material. Angelini Pharmaceuticals, Inc. FDA Approval Pending. 1990 Clinical Evaluation of a Nonperoxide Chemical Disinfectant System using Hydrophilic Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. 1990 Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfecting System for Hydrogel Contact Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. 1990 Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfecting System using Gas Permeable Lenses. Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of the AOSEPT Cup/Disc with Hydrogel Contact Lenses. Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Contact Lenses using Heat Disinfecting. Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. 1991 Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Contact Lenses for extended Wear. Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approval Pending. 1991 Clinical Evaluation of conditioning solutions using Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. Polymer Technology Corporation. FDA Approved. Marketing Evaluation of Metallist Toric Soft Contact Lenses. Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. 1991 Marketing Evaluation of the Transition Tint with Varilux Infinity Lenses. Varilux Corporation. 1991 Clinical Comparison Study of Different Chemical Disinfectants for Hydrophilic Contact Lenses. Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. 1992 Clinical Evaluation of the Performance of the Conditioning Solution with Gas Permeable Polymer Technology Corporation. FDA Approved. 1992 Clinical Evaluation of the Boston Conditioning Solutions with Gas Permeable Lens. Polymer Technology Corporation. FDA Approved. 1992 Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant System for Hydrophilic Contact Lenses. Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. 1992 Clinical Evaluation of 1.6 Index Progressive Spectacle Lens. Clinical Comparison of the CSI and CibaSoft Soft Contact Lenses. Sola Barnes-Hind Pharmaceutical Company. Marketing Study; Guaranteed Refit Program. Clinical Evaluation of the Performance Characteristics of the CSI Lenses. Sola Barnes-Hind Pharmaceutical Company. Clinical Evaluation of a Soft Bifocal Contact Lens for Daily Wear. Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approved. (Occasions). Lens Care Technology (LTC) Study on the Evaluation of Soft Lenses, Clinical Evaluation of a Cleaner for a Soft Contact Lens. 1993 Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant for Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of a Daily Wear Gas Permeable Contact Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Soft Contact Lenses for Extended Wear. Bausch and Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approval Pending. 1993 Marketing Study; Comparison between Soft Contact Lenses Disinfecting Systems. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant for Soft Contact Lenses. 1993 Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant for Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. Polymer Technology Corporation. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant for Group IV Hydrophilic Lenses. PBH Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant for Soft Contact Lenses. Marketing Study; Complete Advisory Panel. Product Performance Evaluation of Renu and Opti-One. Clinical Evaluation of the CSI Toric Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Re-wetting agent for Hydrophilic Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of an Enzymatic agent for Hydrophilic Lenses. Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of an Enzymatic agent for Gas Permeable Lenses. Polymer Technology Corporation. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of a Re-wetting Agent for Hydrophilic Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approval Pending. Marketing Study: Patient Evaluation of the Opti-Soak for Gas Permeable Lenses. 1995 Marketing Study: Patient Evaluation of the Quick Care System for Hydrophilic Lenses. 1995 Marketing Study: Comparative Evaluation between Renu, Optifree and Quick Care systems. Bausch And Lomb Optical Company. 1995 Comparative Evaluation of the Relative Comfort and Staining of Three Lens Care Systems. Clinical Evaluation of a Re-wetting Agent for Hydrophilic Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant for Hydrophilic Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of an Enzymatic agent for Gas Permeable Lenses. Polymer Technology Corporation. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of an Enzymatic agent for Gas Permeable Lenses. Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant for Hydrophilic Lenses. Bausch And Lomb Optical Company. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Lenses. PBH Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of an Enzymatic agent for Hydrophilic Lenses. Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approved. Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Bifocal Contact Lens. Clinical Evaluation of an Extended Wear Hydrophilic Contact Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Solution for Hydrophilic Lenses. Allergan Pharmaceutical Company. FDA Approval Pending. Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of Worn RGP Lenses. (PWL). Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrogen Peroxide Disinfectant for Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Solution for Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of Disposable Hydrophilic Lenses using a Chemical Disinfectant. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Solution for Gas Permeable Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrogen Peroxide Solution for Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of Rigid Gas Permeable Bifocal Contact Lens. Nissel Optical in part with World Optics Inc. Clinical Evaluation of a Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lens. In Office Evaluation of Status View 2000. Ohio State University and DelCor Interactive International, Inc. Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant for Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Lubricating Eye Drop for Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Disinfectant System for Hydrophilic Lenses. Comparison of Frequency 55 Toric Lenses to Focus and Freshlook Toric Lenses. Szabocsik and Associates, Sponsored by Coopervision. Clinical Evaluation of a Lubricating Eye Drop for Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfection on Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Gas Permeable Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical Comparison between Gas Permeable Solutions. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical Comparison between Soft Contact Lens Solutions. Clinical Evalution of Chemical Solutions with Soft Contact Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Contact Lens. Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Disposable Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Comparison of Rigid Gas Permeable Chemical Solutions. Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. 2001 Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. 2001 Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Contact Lens. 2001 Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Contact Lens. 2002 Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. 2002 Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. 2002 Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Contact Lens. Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Contact Lens. Clinical Evaluation of Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. Clinical Evalution with Hydrophilic Contact Lens with Diabetic Patients. Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. 2002 Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. 2002 Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. 2002 Clinical Evaluation of Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Alcon Pharmaceutical Company. 2002 Clinical evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. 2002 Clinical Evaluation of Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. Menicon/Foresight Company. 2003 Clinical Evalution of a Chemical Disinfectant using Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. Bausch & Lomb Company. 2003 Clinical Evaluation of a rewetting agent with Hydrophilic Lenses. Advanced Medical Optics Company. 2003 Marketing evaluation of Soflens 66 Toric. 2003 Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Toric Lens. Bausch & Lomb Company. 2003 Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Lens. Foresight Regulatory Strategies, Inc. Clinical Evalution with Hydrophilic Contact Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a rewetting agent with Hydrophilic Lenses. 2003 Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Lens. 2003 Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Toric Lens. Bausch & Lomb Company. 2003 Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Bausch & Lomb Company. 2003 Clinical Evaluation of a rewetting agent with Hydrophilic Lenses. Advanced Medical Optics. 2004 Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Bausch & Lomb Company. 2004 Clinical Evaluation of a Hydrophilic Lens. Foresight Regulatory Strategies, Inc. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. 2004 Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a computer design spectacle lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Tinted Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a computer design spectacle lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Bacterial Conjunctivitis Medication Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. 2005 Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Lenses. 2005 Clinical Evaluation of rewetting drops for use with Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Multifocal Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Tinted Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical comparison of Toric Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a One Day Disposable Hydrophilic Lens. Marketing Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Comparison of Toric Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a extended wear Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Chemical Disinfectant using Hydrophilic Lenses during Allergies. Clinical Evaluation of a Bacterial Conjunctivitis Medication Clinical Evaluation of a One Day Disposable Hydrophilic Lens. 2006 Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of Hydrophilic Lenses in Monovision 2006 Clinical Evaluation of a chemical disinfectant with Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Bacterial Conjunctivitis Medication Clinical Evaluation of a chemical disinfectant with Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a chemical disinfectant with Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a chemical disinfectant with Hydrophilic Lenses. Clinical Evaluation of a Disposable Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical Evaluation of a Disposable Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical evaluation of a Disposable Hydrophilic Lens. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care. Clinical evaluation of a Disposable Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical evaluation of a Disposable Hydrophilic Lens. Johnson & Johnson Vision Care Clinical evaluation of a Medication for Dry Eyes. Clinical evaluation of a Disposable Hydrophilic Lens. Clinical evaluation of a Silicone Hydrogel Lens. Clinical evaluation of a Silicone Hydrogel Lens. PUBLICATIONS
Comparison of Dichoptic and Monoptic Chromatic Discrimination. University of California, San Diego. Publication Pending. An Optometric Viewpoint of Aviation Traffic Control with Respect to Video Display Southern California College of Optometry. Publication Pending. Combination Enzyme and Surfactant Cleaner, A Clinical Evaluation. Contemporary Optometry, May 1990. Clinical Evaluation of the new OptiSoak Care European Journal Contactologia, Spring 1993. Combination Enzyme and Surfactant Cleaner; A Clinical Evaluation. Contact Lens Spectrum, March 1993. Clinical Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of a PBH Regimen for Fluorosilicon Acrylate Lenses Consisting of a Wetting and Soaking Solution and an Enzyme/Surfactant Cleaning Tablet. Contact Lens Spectrum, September 1993. Safety and Efficacy of a PBH Regimen for Silicon Acrylate Lenses Consisting of a Wetting and Soaking Solution and an Enzyme/Surfactant Cleaning Tablet. The Alberta "S" Lens; A Vision Ahead of Our Times. Clinical Evaluation of a new Polyquad Preserved RGP Contact Lens System. SupraClens: A New Standard In Lens Hygiene. Contact Lens Spectrum, November 1996 SupraClens: A New Standard In Lens Hygiene. The Clinical Benefits of Specially Formulated Contact Lens Cleaner and Multi-Purpose Solutions. Opticican, A British Journal, December 1996 Effectiveness of Citrate-Containing Lens Care Regimens: A controlled Clinical Comparison. Optometry and Vision Science, Spring 1997 Surviving Managed Care and Contact Lenses. The Clinical Benefits of Specialty formulated contact lens cleaners and multipurpose solutions. A Novel Idea: A soft Multifocal that Works. Optometry Today, Publication Pending How to Grow Your Contact Lens Practice with Torics. The Value of Specialty and Premium Contact Lenses. Effectiveness of Citrate-Containing Lens Care Regimens: A Controlled Clinical Comparison International Contact Lens Clinic, March/April 1998 Superior Comfort and Cleanliness Associated with use of a Daily Protein Remover with Frequent Replacement soft contact lenses. "Trading Up The Managed Care Patient To Premium Products" Varilux Progressive Lenses Diagnosing and Treating Infectious Keratitis. Hyperoxic Myopia in a Closed-Circuit Mixed Gas Scuba Diver. February 1999 Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. Superior Comfort and Tolerance Associated with use of a new Multi-purpose Disinfecting Solution with Enhanced Antimicrobial and Cleaning Efficacy. Evaluation of the Purilens Contact Lens Care System-An Automatic Care System Incorporating UV Disinfection and Hydrodynamic Shear Cleaning. 2000 Evaluation of the Purilens Contact Lens Care System. Review of Optometry, February 2000 Optometric Management Supplement. October 2000 2003 Clinical Comparison of Two Popular "No Rub" Multi-Purpose Solutions: Subjective comfort and Satisfaction, Lens Cleanliness and Corneal Staining. Association, American Optometric Association 2003 Guide to Multifocal Contact Lenses; Bausch & Lomb Multifocal Lens. Supplement A Clinical Assessment of Presbyopic Soft Lens Design Clinical Performance of "No Rub" Multi-Purpose Solutions. Contact Lens & Anterior Eye, October 2003 Bifocal Contact Lenses: Fitting a Visual System to a Lifestyle. Primary Care Optometry News, November 2003. Bifocal Contact Lenses: Fitting a Visual System to a Lifestyle. Ocular Surgery News, December 2003. 2004 Differences in Corneal Staining Between Two "No-Rub" Multi-Purpose Solutions. Review of Contact Lenses, January 2004. 2004 From Contact Lens Care to Clinical Care. Review of Optometry, September 2004 Flying Solo; How do ECP's Go it Alone? Ocular Surface Compromise with Contact Lens Wear 2007 Comparison of the Safety and Efficacy of Loteprednol 0.5% Tobramycin 0.3% With Dexamethasone 0.1%/Tobramycin 0.3% in the Treatment of Blepharokeratoconjunctivitis Current Medical Research and Opinion, November 2007 AWARDS

Southern California College of Optometry National Society to Prevent Blindness Southern California College of Optometry California Optometric Association U.S. Registry; Who's Who in America Publication Health Agencies, Prevent Blindness Southern California U.S. Registry; Who's Who in America Publication 1996 Who's Who in Medicine & Healthcare Marquis, Who's Who; A Reed Reference Publishing Company. Awards Committee, Outstanding Young Americans. San Diego Padre Baseball Club and United Way of San Diego. 2000 Who's Who in the World Marquis, Who's Who; A Reed Reference Publishing Company. 2002-03 America's Top Optometrist Awards Committee, State License Documentation, 2002-2003 Edition 2002-03 Kingston's National Registry of Who's Who, 2002 Edition Lions Club International Foundation 2006-08 America's Top Optometrist Consumer's Research Council of America, 2006-2008 Edition PRESENTATIONS
Glaucoma Prevention San Clemente Senior Citizen Center, OCLA/Lions Club, Los Angeles, California. Brentwood Hospital, Los Angeles, California. Balboa Naval Hospital, San Diego, California. University of California at San Diego; San Diego, California. Vision; Key to Success: numerous lectures at Various schools throughout San Diego about vision and vision safety. La Mesa and Lake Murray Century 21 Realty Offices. University of California at Riverside, Pre-Optometry Club Annual Meeting. Pre-Optometry Club Annual Meeting. 1992 Contact Lenses and Contact Lens Solutions. Shiley Eye Center; UCSD School of Medicine. Sponsored by Allergan Optical Company. University of California at Riverside, Pre-Optometry Club Annual Meeting. Contact Lenses and Contact Lens Solutions. Balboa Naval Hospital and VA Hospital. Sponsored by Allergan Optical Company. 1995-1996 Lifestyle RGP Bifocal Seminars. American Contact Lenses. Rancho Bernardo, California. Visions In Ophthalmology 1996. Mericos Eye Institute. Optometry; Profession of the Future. University of California at San Diego, Sweetwater Unified School District 1996 1996-1997 SupraClens System. AAO Academy, Orlando, Florida; CLAO, Las Vegas, Nevada San Diego State University, San Diego, California. Southern California College of Optometry, Fullerton, California. Ultraviolet Radiation and Contact Lenses. NVI Continuing Education Seminar; Phoenix, Arizona; Sponsored by Wesley-Jessen. 1998-2002 Contact Lenses in the 21st. Century. Numerous places throughout United States. Fresh Look Disposable Toric, The First Disposable Toric. Sponsored by Wesley Jessen. San Diego and Orange Counties. 1999-2001 Purilens System, A New Contact Lens Solution. 2002 Update of New Low Vision Aids, an Overview. 2002 Parkinson and what affect it has on the Eyes. Academy Meeting and AOA meeting, San Diego, California 2003 Approach to Multifocal Soft Lenses-Easy to Fit! Numerous places throughout United States 2003-2006 A Lens for the Digital Age. Essilor Corporation. Numerous places throughout United States including North American Advanced Techniques for Fundus Examinations and Diagnosis 2005-07 RepleniSH , Alcon's New Soft Contact Lens Solution Numerous places throughout United States Maxsite, Nike/Bausch & Lomb's new sports contact lenses. KFMB Channel 8 Sports, February 9, 2006 News Numerous places throughout United States Roundtable evaluation of Complete Soft Lens Disinfection Solution. Clear Care Video Shoot; commercial shoot for Ciba's Clear Care Continuing Education Approved Courses
2004+ Advanced Techniques for Fundus Examinations and Diagnosis 2006+ Advanced Techniques for Fundus Examinations and Diagnosis 2006-07 Multi-Purpose Solution Update of Infection Risk in Contact Lens Wearer In the Aftermath of Fusarium Keratitis SCIENTIFIC POSTERS
1996 Citrate-containing Lens Care Regimens Provide Superior Cleanliness and Wearing Comfort of Soft Lenses; 1997 Clinical Evaluation of a Convenient Daily Protein Remover for RGP Lenses. CLAO; Las Vegas, Nevada 1997 Citrate-containing Lens Care Regimens Provide Superior Cleanliness and Wearing Comfort Clinical Comparision of Two Popular "No Rub" Multi-Purpose Solutions: Subjective Comfort and Satisfaction, Lens Cleanliness and Corneal Staining. Clinical Comparison of Two Contact Lens Multi-Purpose Solutions: Opti-Free Express Versus Renu with Moistureloc. ONGOING EDUCATION
1986-Present Continuing education courses presented by the American Optometric Association, California Optometric Association, San Diego County Optometric Society, Southern California College of Optometry, Optifair, Vision Expo, Varilux Seminars, Ciba Seminars, Bausch and Lomb Research Symposium, Polymer Technology Seminar, Ophthalmology Clinical Series: Scripps Clinic, Contact Lens Section: American Optometric Association, Amelia Island Symposium, Vision West Seminar, Coopervision Seminar, Summitt Technology, American Academy of Optometry, BVI ABC's of Eyecare, CLAO Etc, Mountain West Council of Optometrists ORGANIZATION
American Optometric Association, Member.
AOA Low Vision Section, Member; AOA Contact Lens Section, Member. California Optometric Association, Member. California Optometric Association, Contact Lens & Anterior Segment Symposium Committee. 1994-1996 California Optometric Association; Keyperson; Congress Delegate 1987-1997, 2007-08. Southern California College of Optometry Alumni Association; Life Member. Southern California College of Optometry Alumni Association; Vice President. 1996-1998
Southern California College of Optometry Young Alumni Association; Member.1994-1996
Southern California College of Optometry Young Alumni Committee Chairman.1996
Alumni Class Representative. 1991-Present.
San Diego County Optometric Society (SDCOS), Member. SDCOS Bulletin Editor, Director of Public Awareness 1987-1989. SDCOS Secretary 1989-1990; Vice President 1991-1992. SDCOS President-Elect 1994-1995; President 1994-1995. SDCOS Way and Means Committee Member 1994-1995. East Hills Christian Church, Deacon 1989-2008. East Hills Christian Church, Chairman Stewardship Committee 1991-1994. East Hills Christian Church, Trustee 1993-1996 East Hills Christian Church, Elder 2007-2010. East Hills Christian Church, Chairman of the Elders 2007-2010 National Eagle Scout Association, Life Member. Boy Scouts of America Friends of Scouts Unit Chairman 1994. Cub Scout Pack 391, Cubmaster 1995-98, 2001-06 Boy Scout Troop 366, Asst. Scoutmaster 1998-2001 Boy Scout Troop 355, Adult Leader 2007-Present Prevent Blindness America, Southern California; Board of Directors 1992-1999 Prevent Blindness America, Southern California; Vice President 1993-1994; Prevent Blindness America, Southern California; President-Elect 1994-1996; Prevent Blindness America, Southern California; President 1996-1997 Prevent Blindness America, Southern California; Chairman of the Board 1997-1998 Prevent Blindness America, Southern California; Nominating Chairman 1998-1999 Lions Vision Clinic Board Member 1995-2003 Vice President 1995-96; President 1996-2001 Adopt-A-Vision Program Coordinator; Lions Vision Clinic Volunteer 1986-present CONSULTING POSITIONS
American Indian Health Services: Sycuan Medical Dental Eye Clinic. 1986-1989
Lions Optometric Clinic of San Diego. 1986-Present, Sharp Hospital Senior Citizens Health Center. 1986-Present
San Diego Regional Center for the Developmentally Disabled. 1987-Present
American Contact Lenses Advisory Board. 1990; 1997, Vision Service Plan Task Force Committee. 1992-1993
Allergan Medicare Alliance Task Force Committee. 1994-1995
Medical Advisory Board: Prevent Blindness America (previous NSPB). 1991-1999
Professional Advisory Board: Edutek Business College. 1992-1997
Expert Witness for Legal Firms. 1994-Present
RGP Lens Institute Advisory Committee. 1994-Present
Advisory Board;
Styles on Video: Tryuson System. 1994-1997 Dicon Instruments, Subsidiary of Paradigm 1995-2001 Coopervision 1996-Present Wesley-Jessen 1996-1997 Share-A-Vision 1998-2001 Primary Eyecare Network 2003-Present Coopervision 1998-Present Alcon Laboratories 1998-Present Bausch & Lomb 2002-Present Purilens Corp. 1998-2002 Essilor Corporation 2003-Present Optos of North America 2004-Present Vision Service Plan 2006-Present Professional Health Student Evaluation Mentor Program Committee; SDSU 2000-2010 Committee; UCSD 2000-2010 YMCA, East County Board of Directors 1998-2002 ARIS Laser Centers; National Optometric Advisory Committee Chairman 1999-2001 Gerson Lehman Group Healthcare Council, Council Member 2007-2010 VSP; National Professional Committee, 2007-2012 PERSONAL INFORMATION
Born; September 6, 1959
Married; Wife's Name is Lorie
Three Sons; Tyler, Cameron and Samuel
Resides; El Cajon, California

Research Experience Summary
Type of Study





Source: http://drericwhite.net/uploaded/1000/0fa7916f-53ca-40f5-be5f-b9f8c3696926specialty_dr-white-cv.pdf


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