Delirium subtype identification and the validation of the delirium rating scale-revised-98 (dutch version) in hospitalized elderly patients
Int. J. Geriatr Psychiatry 2006; 21: 876-882.
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/gps.1577
Delirium subtype identification and the validation of theDelirium Rating Scale-Revised-98 (Dutch version) inhospitalized elderly patients
Sophia E. de Rooij1*, Barbara C. van Munster1,2, Johanna C. Korevaar2,Gerty Casteelen3, Marieke J. Schuurmans4, Roos C. van der Mast5 and Marcel Levi1
1Department of Internal Medicine and Geriatrics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands2Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands3Department of Psychiatry, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands4Department of Health Science, University Medical Center, Utrecht, The Netherlands5Department of Psychiatry, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Delirium is the most common acute neuropsychiatric disorder in hospitalized elderly. The Dutch version of
the Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98 (DRS-R-98) appears to be a reliable method to classify delirium. The aim of thisstudy was to determine the validity and reliability of the DRS-R-98 and to study clinical subtypes of delirium using the DRS-R-98. Methods
Patients received the Dutch version of the DRS-R-98, the Mini-Mental State Examination, the Confusion
Assessment Method, and a clinical diagnosis of delirium according to DSM-IV criteria, and their relatives the InformantQuestionnaire Cognitive Decline in the Elderly. Results
The DRS-R-98 validation cohort (n ¼ 65) consisted of 23 patients with delirium, 22 patients with dementia, and 20
non-psychiatric comparison patients. For the delirium subtype study, a second cohort comprising 54 delirious patients wasinvestigated. Median DRS-R-98 scores significantly distinguished delirium from dementia and no psychiatric disorder. Inter-rater reliability (intra-class correlation 0.97) and internal consistency (Crohnbach's alpha 0.94) were high. Positive scores ofDRS-R-98 item 4 (affect liability) and item 7 (motor agitation) predicted the presence of non-hypoactive delirium, with aspecificity of 89% and a sensitivity of 57%. Conclusion
The results show that the Dutch version of the DRS-R-98 is a valid and reliable measure of delirium severity
and distinguishes patients with delirium from patients with dementia and comparison patients. Furthermore, the DRS-R-98 isable to exclude hypoactive delirium. Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
key words - delirium; DRS; reliability; subtype; treatment
increased length of stay, increased morbidity andmortality, and higher hospital costs (Francis et al.,
Delirium is an acute neuropsychiatric syndrome,
1990; O'Keeffe and Lavan, 1997; Dolan et al., 2000;
characterized by deranged consciousness, cognitive
Ely et al., 2001; McCusker et al., 2003).
and attentional disturbances, and with a typical
Lipowski (1983) classified delirium into three
fluctuating course. Delirium is common in elderly
subtypes, based on different symptom patterns, i.e.
hospitalized patients and is associated with many
hyperactive, hypoactive, and mixed presentations of
serious short- and long-term consequences including
delirium (Lipowski, 1983). Hyperactive patients arerestless, agitated, and often suffering from hallucina-tions and delusions. Hypoactive patients appear
*Correspondence to: Dr S. E. de Rooij, Academic Medical Center,
lethargic, drowsy, sedated, respond slowly to ques-
Department of Internal Medicine, F4-159, PO Box 22700, 1100 DEAmsterdam, The Netherlands. E-mail:
tions, do not move much and are often misdiagnosed
Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
as being depressed. Patients with the mixed subtype
dementia is required for adequate treatment of these
conditions. Furthermore, in case of a delirium, a
In order to diagnose delirium and to assess its
correct classification of the subtype of delirium is
symptom profile and severity, many different instru-
required, also for treatment purposes (Johnson et al.,
ments have been developed both for clinical and
1994; Marcantonio et al., 2002). Indeed, especially the
research use. Frequently used scales for diagnosing
hyperactive delirium subtype may need drug treat-
delirium are the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)
ment, whereas no evidence exists for the use of
(Inouye et al., 1990), the Delirium Symptom Interview
antipsychotic medication in hypoactive delirium
(DSI) (Albert et al., 1992), the Memorial Delirium
Assessment Scale (MDAS) (Breitbart et al., 1997) and
At the moment, it is not known whether the DRS-R-
the Saskatoon Delirium Checklist (SDC) (Miller et al.,
98 may be used to distinguish between the several
1988). Symptom profile and severity of a delirium can
subtypes of delirium in elderly hospitalized patients.
be assessed with the Delirium Rating Scale (DRS)
Hence, the aim of the present study was to
(Trzepacz et al., 1988), the MDAS (Breitbart et al.,
investigate and validate the DRS-R-98 in a consecu-
1997), the Confusional State Evaluation (CSE)
tive series of hospitalized elderly patients in Internal
(Robertsson et al., 1997), the Delirium Assessment
medicine and surgical wards of a general hospital. For
Scale (DAS) (O'Keeffe, 1994) and the Delirium Index
this purpose, the DRS-R-98 was translated into the
(DI) (McCusker et al., 1998). Subtypes of delirium
Dutch language. A second aim of the study was to
have been identified with the DAS (O'Keeffe, 1999),
assess whether the DRS-R-98 is capable of identifying
the DSI (Albert et al., 1992), the MDAS (Breitbart
delirium subtypes within a cohort of elderly patients.
et al., 1997) and the criteria of Liptzin and Levkoff(Liptzin and Levkoff, 1992).
The most widely used instrument to diagnose
delirium and to assess its severity is the DRS
(Trzepacz et al., 1988). It is a ten-item observational
A series of 119 patients aged 65 years and older who
clinician-rated scale that assesses and scores symp-
were admitted to the Departments of Internal Medicine
toms of delirium. The DRS has been translated in nine
and Surgery of the Academic Medical Center, a
languages, and has been used in studies on clinical
general university teaching hospital, were eligible to
phenomenology, pathophysiology, treatment and out-
participate. All patients (or their relatives) were
come of delirium (Trzepacz and Dew, 1995). In a cross
informed about the procedures and were asked to
validation study it proved to be reliable and valid in a
give informed consent. The study was part of a larger,
population of older hospitalized patients with a
ongoing study and was approved by the Medical
relatively high incidence of delirium (Rockwood
Ethical Committee of our institution.
A first cohort of 65 patients participated in the
The DRS however, had some limitations. Only a
validation and reliability study of the Dutch version of
limited number of items concerning cognitive symp-
the DRS-R-98. This DRS-R-98 validation cohort
toms were included in the DRS, moreover a specific
consisted of 23 consecutive patients with delirium,
item on attention, being a core symptom of delirium,
22 consecutive patients with dementia, and 20 conse-
was lacking. To meet with these problems the revised
cutive non-psychiatric comparison patients.
version of the DRS, the DRS-R-98, was developed
Subsequently, a second cohort of 54 consecutive
(Trzepacz et al., 2001). The DRS-R-98 has been
delirious patients was included in the subtype analysis
demonstrated to be reliable and valid in distinguishing
study. All patients in both cohorts were studied within
patients with delirium from non delirious psychiatric
48 h of admission. A more extended description of the
patients. Furthermore, it proved to be an adequate
whole cohort has already been published (Korevaar
instrument to assess the severity of delirium (Meagher
The DRS-R-98 was originally validated among
elderly patients with pre-existent dementia, schizo-
phrenia, depression and other psychiatric illnesses, butso far not in non-psychiatric controls, admitted to a
DRS-R-98. The DRS-R-98 is a 16-item observational
general hospital and at risk for delirium. Elderly
clinician rated scale with a maximum total severity
hospitalized patients might show various cognitive
score of 39 points. One section, consisting of three-
disorders and a proper distinction between delirium or
items, focuses on features related to the diagnostic
Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Int. J. Geriatr Psychiatry 2006; 21: 876-882.
features of delirium (temporal onset of symptoms,
considered to have serious cognitive decline, i.e.
fluctuation of symptoms, and physical etiology). The
dementia. The IQCODE is not a test of cognitive
other section is a 13-item severity scale that is used for
function per se, because behavioural observations as
repeated measurements. The severity items cover
well as cognitive testing completes the diagnostic
language, and thought processes, two items on motoric
process. Nevertheless, the IQCODE has proven to be a
presentation and five items concerning cognition. All
widely applicable and efficient screening method for
items contain gradations of symptom intensity and each
cognitive decline in elderly patients. The Confusion
response alternative may be rated 0 to 3 points. Ratings
Assessment Method (CAM) is a sensitive, specific,
concern a 24-h period using all available information
reliable, and easy to use instrument for identification
from family, nurses, doctors and medical records.
of delirium (Inouye et al., 1990). All measurements
The scale was already established as valid and
were performed within 48 h after hospital admission.
reliable, and was able to distinguish patients withdelirium from non delirious psychiatric patients.
Furthermore, it proved to be a severity measure ofdelirium (Trzepacz et al., 2001). For assessment of
Validation of the Dutch version of the DRS-R-98. All
orientation, direct recall, short term memory, and visio-
patients for the validation and reliability study were
spatial ability corresponding MMSE-items (items 11,
evaluated simultaneously by two investigators (experi-
12, and 13, respectively) were applied. Whenever an
enced geriatricians and consultation-liaison psychia-
item of the DRS-R-98 could not be rated, it was
trist) who were blind to each others ratings, within 48 h
assigned 1.5 points as suggested (Trzepacz et al., 2001).
of admission. All research physicians were trained inapplying the DRS-R-98. A psychiatric diagnosis,
Translation of the DRS-R-98. The translation procedure
according to DSM-IV criteria, based on all available
of the DRS-R-98 was approved by the developer of the
clinical information was made by the consulting
original DRS-R-98 (P.T. Trzepacz). The DRS-98-R
physician and the other non-consulting physician was
(including instructions, items, and response choices)
was translated into Dutch by two experiencedpsychiatrists in consultation-liaison psychiatry and
Delirium subtype analysis. For the study on delirium
delirium research (H. Sno and R.C. van der Mast).
subtypes, 54 consecutive delirious patients according
Both were native Dutch speakers who speak English
to DSM-IV criteria were assessed with the DRS-R-98
fluently (Sno and van der Mast, 2004). Back-translation
within 48 h after admission to the hospital. Delirium
was done by two native English speakers fluent in
was classified into the subtypes hypoactive delirium
Dutch. A conference meeting was organized to reach
(no hyperactive symptoms) and non- hypoactive
consensus about a few minor differences between the
delirium ( ¼ hyperactive or mixed) according to the
original translation and the back-translation.
clinical presentations as described by Lipowski (1983)and based on the classification system developed by
The MMSE, the IQCODE and the CAM. The Mini
Liptzin and Levkoff (1992). These authors classified
Mental State Examination (Folstein et al., 1975) was
patients with more than four hypoactive symptoms
performed in all patients in order to screen for
at any time during their hospital stay as having
cognitive decline at hospital admission, a score of
hypoactive delirium, and patients with three or more
24 points was used as a cut off score for cognitive
hyperactive symptoms as having hyperactive delirium
subtype. Patients who scored high on both types of
Questionnaire Cognitive Decline in the Elderly
symptoms were considered to have mixed type
(IQCODE) (Jorm et al., 1991) was administered to
the informants related to the patients to obtaininformation about the possible presence of pre-morbid
cognitive impairment prior to admission. We askedthem to answer questions concerning the patients'
Data were analyzed using SPSS-PC software version
cognition according to the condition the patient was in
11.5. Group comparisons for the DRS-R-98 validation
two weeks prior to the illness that had caused the
study were based on hospitalized elderly patients
meeting DSM IV criteria for: (1) delirium (n ¼ 23);
The score is an average of the 16-item scores, each
(2) dementia (Alzheimer/ MID/not otherwise speci-
rated from 1 (much improved) to 5 (much worse).
fied; n ¼ 22); or (3) having no delirium or dementia
Patients with a mean score of 3.9 or more were
(n ¼ 20). Rating scale data were expressed median
Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Int. J. Geriatr Psychiatry 2006; 21: 876-882.
scores and range because of the their distribution.
were based on hospitalized patients meeting DSM-IV
Differences in baseline characteristics were tested
criteria for dementia (n ¼ 22) (Alzheimer/ MID/not
with chi-square tests or with the Mann-Whitney U
test. Inter rater agreement was assessed by analysis
(n ¼ 23) with a delirium, and patients (n ¼ 20) who
of variance and expressed as intra-class correlation
had no psychiatric illnesses. The delirium and
(ICC). ICC was calculated using two-way random
dementia groups were similar in age as the compari-
sons were younger as might be expected from the
Inter-rater reliability for each DRS-R-98 item and
different age distributions of the illnesses studied. The
for the DRS-R-98 total severity score were assessed by
MMSE score for the delirium group was significantly
using an intra-class coefficient (ICC) for pairs of
lower compared to the patients with dementia and the
independent raters, given that the total scores of the
patients without any psychiatric illness, while the
DRS-R-98 indicate increasing severity of delirium.
DRS-R-98 and the IQCODE were significantly higher
Reliability of the measured scores was assessed by
in delirious patients compared to the comparisons and
establishing the extent to which the measured variance
the demented patients (p < 0.05). The DRS-R-98
in a score reflected the true score, rather than random
score did not differ among dementia or comparisons.
error. Because of fluctuating course and variability of
The median score on the DRS-R-98 severity scale
symptoms of delirium, test-retest variability was not
for the different diagnostic groups as scored by the two
carried out. Scores for each DRS-R-98 item were
raters is presented in Table 2. Median score for
correlated with DRS-R-98 total severity scale scores,
delirious patients was 22 (range 7-39), patients with
using Cronbach's alpha coefficient to assess internal
dementia had a median score of 5, and patients without
consistency of the scale as a measure of the severity of
any psychiatric disorder scored 1 point, these scores
delirium. A minimum reliability of 0.70 has been
were significantly different (p < 0.001). In the
recommended for scales used in group level analysis.
subsequent post-hoc analyses, scores between all
Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to
three groups were significantly different from each
identify items associated with an increased or
other (all p-values <0.001). Median scores for all
decreased risk of having hyperactive or mixed subtype
types of patients were similar between both raters, as
of delirium, and thus not having hypoactive delirium.
were missing scores for DRS items (scored 1.5 points)
A forward selection procedure was applied entering
that mostly concerned item 13 (visio-spatial ability).
only items with a p-value <0.05 into the model.
Inter-rater variability and internal consistency
The inter-rater reliability of the Dutch version of the
DRS-R-98 severity scale between both raters was 0.97
The baseline characteristics of the DRS-R-98 vali-
[95% Confidence Intervel (CI): 0.96-0.98], while the
dation cohort are given in Table 1. Group comparisons
Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.94 (the range of
Baseline characteristics of the DRS-R-98 validation cohort (n ¼ 65) #
Note: #Diagnostic groups are based on the scores of the DSM-IV (delirium yes or no), and on the MMSE, IQCODE and DSM IV (dementiayes or no).
ÃÃÃbroadest range as scored by two raters; MMSE ¼ Mini Mental State Examination; IQCODE ¼ Informant Questionnaire Cognitive Declinein the Elderly; DRS-R-98 ¼ Delirium Rating Scale-R-98.
Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Int. J. Geriatr Psychiatry 2006; 21: 876-882.
DRS-R-98 scores in delirium, dementia and comparisons
Percentage of patients with positive scores (!1 point) on
the DRS-R-98-items among patients (n ¼ 54) with hypoactive andnon-hypoactive delirium
Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 1 Rater 2
Note: DRS-R-98 ¼ Delirium Rating Scale-R-98.
subtype group (22.5; range 6-36), showing no relation
between DRS-R-98 severity score and delirium
Multivariate logistic regression analysis to identify
Note: Ãscores for DRS-R-98, DSM-IV and CAM were significantlydifferent between all groups (all p-values <0.001); CAM ¼ Confu-
items predicting for the probability of having non-
Confusion Assessment Method; DRS-R-98 ¼ Delirium Rating
hypoactive delirium subtype resulted in item 4 (affect
liability) and item 7 (motor agitation). Patients whoscored positive on both item 4 and 7 [odds ratio (OR)26.7; 95% CI 3.7-190] as well as patients with a
the Cronbach's alpha coefficient if one item was
positive score on either item 4 or item 7 [OR 3.6; 95%
CI 0.7-17) were more at risk for non-hypoactivedelirium. A positive score on both item 4 and 7 todetect non-hypoactive delirious patients showed a
sensitivity of 57%, a specificity of 89%, and a positive
A second series of 54 consecutive patients with a
predictive value of 91%. The negative predictive value
delirium (median age 83.0 years, range 68-95 years,
for either item 4 or 7 positive or both negative was only
54.7% men) were enrolled in the subgroup analysis.
47%. This implicates that this algorithm misses many
The median score of the IQCODE was 4.34 (range
patients with a non-hypoactive, but that less patients
2.81-5.0) showing that almost all patients with a
with a hypoactive delirium are wrongly classified as
delirium already experienced pre-morbid cognitive
decline. The median MMSE score was 12.8 (range2-29).
In Table 3 the number of patients scoring on the
different items of the DRS-R-98 severity scale areshown for the hypoactive and non-hypoactive delirium
This study shows that the Dutch version of the DRS-R-
groups. According to the criteria of Liptzin and
98 was able to differentiate patients with delirium
Levkoff 19 patients (35%) showed hypoactive
from demented as well as from non-psychiatric
delirium, and 35 patients (65%) non-hypoactive
patients. The DRS-R-98 also proved to be a valid
delirium or mixed type delirium. No significantly
and reliable severity measure for delirium as demon-
difference (p ¼ 0.20) was found between the median
strated by a high inter-rater reliability and internal
scores of the DRS-R-98 in the hypoactive delirium
consistency. Further, hypoactive and non-hypoactive
group (21; range 11-29) and the non-hypoactive
delirium could be discerned. Non-hypoactive delirium
Copyright # 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Int. J. Geriatr Psychiatry 2006; 21: 876-882.
was best predicted by a positive score on the DRS-R-
98 items 'affect liability' and/or 'motor agitation'.
One limitation of this study is that due to the design
of our study possible fluctuations in symptoms of the
delirium during the hospital stay may have beenmissed. The DRS-R-98 permits repeated adminis-tration within a 24-hour period of time. We did not,
however, validate the Dutch version of the DRS-R-98
for repeated use and further studies may necessary to
study also this aspect of the Dutch version.
The results of our study are in line with several
studies who underlined the good reliability of
(translated versions of) the DRS and the DRS-R-98
and with most of the studies using delirium severity
rating scales other than the DRS (see Table 4).
Furthermore, median scores and ranges of the
Dutch version of the DRS-R-98 in the delirium and
dementia groups are comparable with the results of
In this study it was demonstrated that the DRS-R-98
is able to differentiate between patients with a non-
hypoactive delirium subtype and patients with a
hypoactive delirium subtype. The possible implica-
tions of this subtype classification may be several. The
investigation and exploration of clinical subtypes of
delirium may provide information concerning the
etiology, the pathogenesis, and the prognosis of
delirium, but also may have therapeutic consequences.
Only few studies have tried to evaluate the relevance
of clinical subtypes of delirium or performed asystematic investigation concerning the clinical
features in order to study whether a significance of
delirium subtypes can be identified (Trzepacz and
Dew, 1995; Camus et al., 2000). The studies described
show different results, partly due to methodological
problems and possibly by lack of a standard
classification for delirium subtypes.
However, the results of this study make the DRS-R-
98 well suited for use in research for delirium
treatment strategies in hypoactive and non-hypoactive
delirium, but further studies are necessary to support
In our sample consisting of internal medicine and
surgical patients dissimilar frequencies of the different
delirium subtypes than reported by Liptzin and
Levkoff (1992) were found. The scored criteria
according to Liptzin and Levkoff may be different
when they should be scored one day later, because of a
variation of delirium symptoms. Another possible bias
may be the fact that the different frequencies of a
hypoactive delirium subtype may depend on the
studied population (Table 4). Marcantonio found, in a
group of postoperatively delirious hip fracture
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F. Pachet, (1997) Computer Analysis of Jazz Chord Sequences: Is Solar a Blues? in Readings in Music andArtificial Intelligence, Miranda, E. Ed, Harwood Academic Publishers, February 2000 Computer Analysis of Jazz Chord Sequences: Is Solar a Blues ? François Pachet Abstract:This chapter investigates the issue of the role of the computer in musical analysis. Starting with asurvey of
Things are seldom what they seem. Skim milk masquerades asused to shape policy, even if it was junk. And asmedical organizations grew more sophisticated aboutpress releases and public relations, the obstetricpowers-that-be also realized that even if the studyA funny thing happened on the way to practicingdid not produce the results they had hoped, it didn’tevidence-based obstetric care. Ob