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Publication List
M David Osselton 1974 - Present
1. Osselton, M.D., Baum, H. and Beechey, R.B. Isolation, Purification and Characterisation of Aurovertin B Biochemical Society Transactions (1974) 2 pp200-202. 2. Beechey, R.B., Osselton, M.D., Baum, H., Linnett, P.E and Mitchell, A.D. Citreoviridin Diacetate: A New Inhibitor of the Mitochondrial ATP Synthetase. Membrane Proteins in Transport and Phosphorylation., Ed. Azone, G.F., Klingenberg, M.E., Quagliariello, E. and Siliprandi, N., North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam. The Netherlands (1974) pp200-204. 3. Osselton, M.D., Mulheirn, L.J., Beechey, R.B. and Leworthy, D.P. Aurovertin B, a Metabolite of Calcarisporium arbuscula. J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Comm. (1974) pp874-876. 4. Osselton, M.D., Interaction between Methadone and Ether Peroxides to produce 1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenyl-2-ethylidene pyrrolidine, the Major Cyclic Metabolite of Methadone, J. Forens. Sci. Soc. (1976) 16 pp299-303. 5. Osselton, M.D., Hammond, M.D. and Twitchett, P.J,.The Extraction and Analysis of Benzodiazepines in Tissues by Enzymic Digestion and High performance Liquid Chromatography, J. Pharm. Pharmacol. (1977) 29 pp460-462. 6. Osselton, M.D.,The Enzymic digestion of Tissues to Release Basic Drugs from cases of Human Poisoning, J. Forens Sci. Soc. (1977) 17 pp189-194. 7. Linnett, P.E., Osselton, M.D., Mitchell, A.D., Mulheirn, L.J. and Beechey, R.B., Citreoviridin: A Specific Inhibitor of the Mitochondrial Adenosine Triphosphatase. Biochemical Journal (1978) 170 pp503-510. 8. Osselton, M.D., Shaw, I.C. and Stevens, H.M. The Enzymic Digestion of Liver Tissue to Release Barbiturates, Salicylic Acid and other Acidic Compounds from Cases of Human Poisoning. The Analyst (1978) 103 pp1160-1165. 9. Osselton, M.D., The use of Proteolytic Enzymes to Release High Levels of Drugs from Biological Materials submitted for Toxicological Analyses. Microfilm Jnl. Legal Medicine (1978). 10. Dunnett, N., Ashton, P.G. and Osselton, M.D. The Use of Proteolytic Enzymes as an Aid to release Drugs from Soil following the Exhumation of a Skeleton. Vet. Hum. Tox. , (1979) 21 pp199-202. 11. Osselton, M.D. The Use of Proteolytic Enzymes to Release High Levels of Drugs from Biological Materials submitted for Toxicological Analyses. Vet. Hum. Tox., (1979) 21 pp177-180. 12. Hammond, M.D., Osselton, M.D. and Moffat, A.C.,The Extraction and Analysis of Benzodiazepine Drugs in Blood Stains. J. Forens. Sci. Soc. (1979) 19 pp193-199. 13. Ramsey, J., Lee, T.D., Osselton, M.D. and Moffat, A.C., Gas Liquid Chromatography Retention Indices of 296 Non-drug Substances on SE-30 or OV 1 Likely to be Encountered in Toxicological Analyses. J. Chromatogr. (1980) 184 pp185-207. 14. Osselton, M.D., Fox, P.C. and Moffat, A.C., Comparison of some Polar and Non-polar Silicone Stationary Phases for the Identification of Drugs by Gas Liquid Chromatography. in "Recent Developments in Chromatography and Electrophoresis", (Eds. Frigerio, A. and McCamish, M.), Elsevier, Amsterdam., (1980) pp21-29. 15. Osselton, M.D., Hammond, M.D. and Moffat, A.C., Statistics for Deaths by Poisoning 1973 to 1975 for England and Wales. J. Forens. Sci. Soc. (1980) 20 pp125-135. 16. Hammond, M.D., Osselton, M.D. and Moffat, A.C., The Detection of Drugs in Blood-Stains. Proc. 9th Int. Cong. Assoc. of Poison Control Centres, (1980) 42 p21. 17. Osselton, M.D., Hammond, M.D. and Moffat, A.C., Distribution of Drugs and Toxic Chemicals in Blood., J. Forens. Sci. Soc. (1980) 20 pp187-194. 18. Locke, J., Carpenter, R. and Osselton, M.D., Mineral Content of Reagents used in Subtilisin Assays. Med. Sci. Law. (1981) 21 pp123-124. 19. Blackmore, R.C. and Osselton, M.D.,Fatal Mexilitine Poisoning. TIAFT Bulletin 20. Osselton, M.D. and Hammond, M.D., Analysis of Drugs in Small Blood Samples.,Proc. Int. Meeting of TIAFT, Seville (1982) pp95-102. 21. Oram, J.E. and Osselton, M.D., Pharmacokinetics of Cyclizine. Proc. Int. Meeting 22. Osselton, M.D., Enzymic Liberation of Chemically Labile or Protein Bound Drugs from Tissues. in "Organic Sample Handling" ( Ed. Reid, E.), Ellis Horwood Ltd., (1981) pp101-110. 23. Osselton, M.D., Blackmore, R.C., King, L. and Moffat, A.C., Poisoning Associated Deaths for England and Wales 1973-1980., J. Human Toxicol. (1984) 3 pp202-221. 24. Osselton, M.D., Blackmore, R.C., Habergam, A. and Wright, J.A., Microcomputer Based Data Collections in Toxicological Analysis. Proc. 21st Int. Meeting of TIAFT, Brighton. (1984), pp63-71. 25. Osselton, M.D., Toxicological Tables: A Compendium of Pharmacological, Therapeutic and Toxicological Data on 136 Drugs and Chemicals in Humans. in "Methodology for Analytical Toxicology", Vol 3. CRC Press. Ed. Sunshine, I., (1986) pp245-261. 26. Osselton, M.D., High Performance Liquid Chromatography in Analytical Toxicology - A Review. in "Analytical Methods in Human Toxicology, Part 2. Macmillan, Ed. Curry, A.S. (1986). 27. Osselton, M.D and Snelling, R.D.,Chromatographic Identification of Pesticides., J. 28. Gill, R., Osselton, M.D., Smith, R.M. and Hurdley, T.G., Retention Reproducibility of Basic Drugs in High Performance Liquid Chromatography on a Silica Column with Methanol-Ammonium Nitrate Eluent. J. Chromatogr. (1987) 386 pp65-77. 29. Japp, M., Gill, R., Osselton, M.D. and Cordonnier, J., Use of Narrow Bore, Wide Bore and Packed Columns for Drug Screening., Anal. Proc. (1987) 24 pp185-187. 30. Japp, M., Gill, R., Osselton, M.D. and Cordonnier, J., Appraisal of Wide Bore Capillary Columns for Drug Analysis in Forensic Toxicology. Proc. Int. Assoc. Forensic Toxicologists, 1986, Ghent,, (1987) pp172-190. 31. Smith, R.M., Hurdley, T.G., Gill, R. and Osselton, M.D., Retention Reproducibility of Basic Drugs in High Performance Liquid Chromatography on a Silica Column with a Methanol-Ammonium Nitrate Eluent. II The Effect of the Mobile Phase and the Operating Conditions. J. Chromatogr. (1987) 398 pp73-87. 32. Gomm, P.J., Broster, C.G. and Osselton, M.D.,A Review of the Performance of the Approved Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing Instruments Introduced into England, Scotland and Wales on 6th May, 1983., Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety - T86. (1987) Elsevier, Amsterdam. pp383-386.,Ed. Noordzij, P.C. and Roszbach, R. 33. Herniman, A.H., Stead, A.H. and Osselton, M.D., Implications of Subtilisin 34. Radioimmunoassay Results. Proc. Int. Assoc. Forensic Toxicologists, Rigi -1985., 35. Japp, M., Gill, R. and Osselton, M.D., The Separation of Lysergide (LSD) from Related Ergot Alkaloids and its Identification in Forensic Science Casework Samples. J. Forens. Sci. (1987) 32 pp933-940. 36. Japp, M., Gill, R., Osselton, M.D. and Cordonnier, J., Comparison of Drug Retention Indices Determined on Packed, Wide Bore Capillary and Narrow Bore Capillary Columns. J. Forens, Sci. (1987) 32 pp1574-1586. 37. Collection of Analytical Data for Benzodiazepines and Benzophenones. J. 38. Osselton, M.D., The Binding of Drugs and their Release by Proteolytic Enzymes., Proc. Int. Assoc Forensic Toxicologists, Banff, 1987. Alberta Soc. Clinical & Forensic Toxicologists, pp 60-73. (ISBN 0 9693239-0-5). 39. Hughes, R.J. and Osselton, M.D., Analysis of Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs in Small Whole Blood Samples., Proc. Int. Assoc Forensic Toxicologists, Banff, 1987., Alberta Soc. Clinical & Forensic Toxicologists, pp 364-380. (ISBN 0 9693239-0-5). 40. Osselton, M.D., Interpretation in Forensic Toxicology, Canadian Society of Forensic Science (1987) 20 p296, Abstracts of the 11th IAFS Meeting, Vancouver. 41. Spiehler, V., Spiehler, E. and Osselton, M.D., Expert System Shells in Forensic Toxicology, J Canadian Society of Forensic Science (1987) 20, pp286-287Abstracts of the 11th IAFS Meeting, Vancouver. 42. Gill, R., Hatchett, S., Osselton, M.D., Wilson, K. and Ramsey, J.D., Sample Handling and Storage for the Quantitative Analysis of Toluene in Whole Blood by Headspace Gas Chromatography. Proc. Int. Assoc Forensic Toxicologists, Banff, 1987. Alberta Soc. Clinical & Forensic Toxicologists, pp 389-402. (ISBN 0 9693239-0-5). 43. Gill, R., Hatchett, S., Osselton, M.D., Wilson, K. and Ramsey, J.D., Sample Handling and Storage for the Quantitative Analysis of Toluene in Whole Blood by Headspace Gas Chromatography. J. Anal. Tox. (1988) 12 pp141 - 146. 44. Spiehler, V.R., Spiehler, E.J. and Osselton, M.D., Application of Expert System Analysis to Interpretation of Fatal Cases of Amitriptyline. I Expert 4. II Machine Induction Rules. J. Anal. Tox. (1988) 12 pp216 - 224. 45. Smith, R. M., Hurdley, T. G., Westlake, J. P., Gill, R. and Osselton, M. D., Retention Reproducibility of Basic Drugs in High Performance Liquid Chromatography on a Silica Column with a Methanol-Ammonium Nitrate Eluent: Batch to Batch Reproducibility of the Stationary Phase. J. Chromatography. (1988) 455 pp77-93. 46. Gill, R., Osselton, M.D. and Smith, R.M., International Collaborative Study of the Retention Reproducibility of Basic Drugs in HPLC on a Silica Column with a Methanol Ammonium Nitrate Eluent. J Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. (1989) 7 pp447-457. 47. Hughes, R. and Osselton, M.D., Comparison of Methods for the Analysis of Tricyclic Antidepressant Drugs in Small Whole Blood Samples. J. Anal. Tox. (1989) 13 pp77-83. 48. Stead, A.H., Clarke, K., Owen, C. and Osselton, M.D., Amphetamine Profiling. 49. Gomm, P.J., Osselton, M.D. and Weston, S., The effects of Respiratory Inhalers and Nasel Sprays on Breath Alcohol Testing Devices Used in Great Britain. Med. Sci. Law (1990) 30 (3) pp203-206. 50. Osselton, M.D., Japp, M., Weston, S.I., Mather, E.M., Spiehler, V. Barlow, R. and Moore, A., Whole Blood Quality Control Samples for Forensic Toxicology. J. Anal. Tox. (1990) 14 pp318-319. 51. Owen, C., Stead, A.H., Clarke, K. and Osselton, M.D., Ice - Smokeable Methylamphetamine. Drugs Arena (1990) 9 pp25-28. 52. Osselton, M.D., Future Challenges and Opportunities in Analytical Toxicology. Proc. Int. Congress on Clinical Toxicology, Poison Control and Analytical Toxicology. LUX TOX '90. Hermann Publications (1990) pp31-41. 53. Osselton, M.D., Quality Assurance in Forensic Toxicology in the United Kingdom, Proc. 29th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Copenhagen, Denmark, McKeenzie, Copenhagen, pp 93-94. 54. Osselton, M.D., Guidelines for Good Laboratory Practice in Forensic Toxicology, Proc. 29th Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Copenhagen, Denmark, McKeenzie, Copenhagen, pp 365-370. 55. Osselton, M.D., Factors Affecting the Interpretation of Toxicological Results. Forensic Toxicology, Proc. 25th Meeting of TIAFT., Ed Uges, D.R.A. and de Zeeuw, R.A. University Press (1990) pp28-40. 56. Japp. M., Vinall, M. and Osselton,M.D., Assessment of a Programmable Temperature Vaporising (PTV) Injector and Cold On-Column Injector for Forensic Analysis of Drugs. Chromatography and Analysis (1991) 15 pp5-7. 57. Weston, S.I., Japp, M., Partridge, J. and Osselton, M.D.,Collection of Analytical Data for Benzodiazepines and Benzophenones. J. Chromatogr. (1991) 538 pp277-284. 58. McI Johnson, N., Upton, K., Gomm,P.J., Broster, C.G. and Osselton, M.D. Use of Bronchodilators in Conjunction with Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing Devices by Patients with Respiratory Diseases. Thorax (1990) 45 p342P. 59. McI Johnson, N., Upton, K., Gomm, P.J., Broster, C.G. and Osselton, M.D. The Ability of Patients with respiratory Diseases to Use Breath Alcohol Measuring Devices. Thorax (1990) 45 p27. 60. Gill, R., Hatchett, S.E., Osselton, M.D., Broster, C.G., Wilson, K.,Ramsey, J.D. and Wilcox, H., The Response of Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing Instruments with Subjects Exposed to Organic Solvents and Gases I. Toluene, Butane and 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Med. Sci. Law. (1991) 31 pp187-200. 61. Gill, R., Osselton, M.D., Broster, C.G., Warner, H., Ramsey, J.D.Wilson, K and Wilcox, H., The Response of Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing with Subjects Exposed to Organic Solvents and Gases II. White Spirit and Nonane., Med. Sci. Law. (1991) 31 pp201-213. 62. Gill, R., Osselton, M.D., Broad, J and Ramsey, J.D., The Response of Evidential Breath Testing Instruments with Subjects Exposed to Organic Solvents and Gases III. White Spirit Exposure During Domestic Painting. Med. Sci. Law. (1991) 31 pp214-220. 63. Gomm, P.J., Westen, S.I., Louis, J.R. and Osselton, M.D., Breath Differences: Assessment of Subject related Differences Between Successive Breath Alcohol Samples. Alcohol Drugs and Traffic Safety, T89. Procedings of the 11th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety., 1990 pp 376-381. ISBN 0-9621467-3-0. 64. Gomm, P.J., Osselton, M.D., Broster, C.G., McI Johnson, N. and Upton, K. ,The Effects of Salbutamol on Breath Alcohol Testing in Asthmatics., Med. Sci. Law. (1991) 31 pp226-228. 65. Gomm, P.J., Osselton, M.D., Broster, C.G., McI Johnson, N. and Upton, K., A Study into the Ability of Patients with Impaired Lung Function to Use Breath Alcohol Testing Devices., Med. Sci. Law. (1991) 31 pp 221-225. 66. Toseland, P. and Osselton, M.D., Some Problems with the Investigation of Poisoning by Carbaryl Insecticide. Proc. 29th International Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Copenhagen, 1991, p 340. ISBN 87-997133-1-4 67. Osselton, M.D., Ramsey, J.D. and Wooley, J., Interactive Knowledge Based Systems in Analytical Toxicology. Forensic Toxicology. Ed Oliver, J.S., Proc. 26th Intl TIAFT Meeting, Glasgow,1989.pp81-84. Pub Scottish Academic Press. (1992) 68. Ramsey, J.D., Osselton, M.D. and Wooley, J., Knowledge Based Systems in Forensic Toxicology:- Computer Aided Tablet and Capsule Identification, Forensic Toxicology. Ed Oliver, J.S., Proc. 26th Intl TIAFT Meeting, Glasgow, 1989. pp85-89, Pub Scottish Academic Press (1992) 69. Johnson, F., Osborne, R.G.L. and Osselton, M.D., Antibody Mediated Extraction of Opioid Drugs from Whole Blood Samples. Forensic Toxicology. Ed Oliver, J.S., Proc. 26th Intl TIAFT Meeting, Glasgow, 1989. pp 303-313, Pub Scottish Academic Press (1992) 70. Gill,R., Hatchett, S.E., Warner, H.E., Osselton, M.D., Wilson, H.K., Wilcox, A.H. and Ramsey, J.D., The Quantitative Analysis of Volatile Solvents and Gases in Blood Samples - Problems and Solutions, Forensic Toxicology. Ed Oliver, J.S., Proc 26th Intl TIAFT Meeting, Glasgow, 1989 pp 372-378, Pub Scottish Academic Press (1992) 71. Japp, M., Vinall, M. and Osselton, M.D., Assessment of a Programmable Temperature Vaporising (PTV) Injector and Cold On-Column Injector for Analysis of Drugs in Forensic Samples, Forensic Toxicology. Ed Oliver, J.S., Proc 26th Intl TIAFT Meeting, Glasgow, 1989 pp 222-234 , Pub Scottish Academic Press (1992) 72. Osselton, M.D., Analytical Forensic Toxicology, Medical Toxicology; Archives of Toxicology. Supplement 15, pp259-267 (1992) Springer Verlag 73. Osselton, M.D., Alcohol: Myths and Realities., Institute of Alcohol Studies 74. DeZeeuw, R, Muller, B.S., Franke, J.P., Jones, G.R., Moller , M.R., Nolan, S., Osselton, M.D., Segura, J., Wennig, R., Toxicological Analysis, Contributions to Forensic Toxicology, Proc 31st Internatoinal Association of Forensic Toxicologists, Liepzig , 1993. Molin Apress, Leipzig 1994 75. Osselton, M.D., Drugs and Drugs of Abuse in Antemortem Blood, Encyclopaedia of Forensic Sciences, Academic Press. 2000, 610 - 616 76. Osselton, M D., Drugs and Drugs of Abuse in Post-mortem Blood, Encyclopaedia of Forensic Sciences, Academic Press. 2000, 646 - 650 77. Moffat, A.C., Osselton, M.D. and Widdop, B., Forensic Toxicology in Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons, Pharmaceutical Press, 2004, 80 - 93. 78. Osselton, M.D and Cowan, D, Drug Testing in "State of the Art Reviews", Foresight Brain Science, Addiction and Drugs Project, Office of Science and Technology, 2005. 79. Cowan, D., Osselton, D. and Robinson, S., Drug Testing in "Drugs and the Future, Brain Science, Addiction and Society" Ed David Nutt, Academic Press, 2007, 315- 335. 80. Parkin,M.C.; Turfus,S.C.; Smith,N.W.; Halket,J.M.; Braithwaite,R.A.; Elliott,S.P.; Osselton,M.D.; Cowan,D.A.; Kicman,A.T., 2008, Detection of ketamine and its metabolites in urine by ultra high pressure liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, J Chromatogr. B., Analyt. Technol. Biomed. Life Sci.ages 137-142 81. H., Bunten1, W. Liang1 (PhD), D. J. Pounder2 (FRCPA), C. Seneviratne2 (PhD), D. Osselton1 (PhD). 2010, OPRM1 and CYP2B6 gene variants as risk
factors in methadone-related deaths. Clinical Pharmacology and
Therapeutics, 2010, 88(3):383-9.
82. H., Bunten1, W. Liang1 (PhD), D. J. Pounder2 (FRCPA), C. Seneviratne2 (PhD), D. Osselton1 (PhD). 2011, CYP2B6 and OPRM1 gene variations predict methadone-related deaths. Addiction Biology, 16, 142-144, 83. Osselton, M. D., Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault - Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons - 4th Edition, Ed. Pharmaceutical Press, London. 147-159. 84. Osselton, M.D., Moffat, A.C. and Widdop, B., Forensic Toxicology - An overview, Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons - 4th Edition, Ed. Pharmaceutical Press, London. 160-175. 85. Logan, B. and Osselton, M.D. Driving under the influence of drugs, Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons - 4th Edition, Ed. Pharmaceutical Press, London. 115 - 126. 86. Cooper, G., Paterson, S. and Osselton, M.D., 2010, The United Kingdom and Ireland Association of Forensic Toxicologists: Forensic toxicology laboratory
guidelines. Science and Justice, 166-176.
87. Bunten, H., Ling, W.J., and Osselton, M.D., 2011, Inter-individual variability in the prevalence of OPRM1 and CYP2B6 gene variations may identify drug
susceptible populations. J. Analytical Toxicology, 35, 431-437.
88. Rees, K.A., McLaughlin, P and Osselton, M.D., 2012, Validation of a Gas Simultaneous Quantification of Cocaine, Benzoylecgonine, Cocaethylene, Free Morphine, Total Morphine, Codeine and 6-Monoacetylmorphine in Aqueous Solution, Blood and Skeletal Muscle Tissue. J Analytical Toxicology. 36(1): 1-11. 89. Rees, K.A., Jones, N, McLaughlin, P.A., Seulin, S., Leyton, V., Yonamine, M., Osselton, M.D., 2012, The effect of storage temperature and sodium fluoride preservative on the stability of cocaine in horse blood, sheep vitreous and deer muscle. Forensic Science International. 217, 189-195 90. Rees, K.A., Jones, N., McLaughlin, P., Osselton, M.D. 2012, The effect of sodium fluoride preservative and storage temperature on the stability of 6-acetylmorphine in horse blood, sheep vitreous and deer muscle. Forensic Science International, 217, 182-188. 91. Sanches, L., Seulin, S., Leyton, V., Paranhos, B.A.P.B., Pasqualucci, C.A., Muñoz, D.R., Osselton, M.D., and Yonamine, M., 2012, Determination of opiates in whole blood and vitreous humor: a study of the matrix effect and an experimental design to optimise conditions for the enzymatic hydrolysis of glucuronides., Journal of Analytical Toxicology. 36(3), 162-170. 92. Poppy McLaughlin Derrick Pounder Peter Maskell David Osselton, 2012, Real-time near-body drug screening during autopsy. I: use of the Randox biochip drugs of abuse DOA I and DOA II immunoassays, Forensic Toxicol , 20: 1-8. 93. Chatterton, C., and Osselton, M.D., 2012, Toxicology analysis for pathologists: A review of the available techniques and technologies, including recommendations for best practice, Academic Journal of Forensic Pathology, - in press. Books Published
1. Clarkes Analysis of Drugs and Poisons 4th Edition, Ed. Moffat, A.C., Osselton, M.D., Widdop, B. and Watts, J., Pharmaceutical Press, London, 2011. ISBN 978 0 85369 7114 2. Clarke's Analysis of Drugs and Poisons 3rd Edition, Ed. Moffat, A.C., Osselton, M.D. and Widdop, B. Pharmaceutical Press, London, 2004. ISBN: 0 85369 473 7 3. Jickells, S and Negruss, A., Analytical Techniques in Forensic Toxicology, Pharmaceutical Press, London. - Moffat, A.C., Osselton, M.D. and Widdop, B (Consulting Editors) ISBN 978 0 85369 705 3

Source: http://www.cncfts.co.uk/Osselton%20Publication%20list%202012.pdf

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