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Synergistically Advanced Creatine Monohydrate Formula Page 1 of 3 (references on back)
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J is the most advanced stack of anabolic and anti-catabolic nutrients ever assembled into one
capsule. Contrary to popular belief, human bodies grow bigger, thicker and denser outside of the weight room,
not in (this does not mean without excersise). Designed to help maximize growth from serious training,
GROWTH MAXJ should take bodybuilding nutrition to the next level by combing the cell-volumizing effects of
creatine with nine other essential and key synergistic ingredients, including tribulus,
DHEA1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36, glutamine1,2, NAC, BCAA's and acetyl-L-
Carnitine1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. Damaged muscle fibers need time to recover, repair themselves and heal. That's how the
human body and muscle tissue develop. Serious over-training leads to muscle wasting. *GROWTH MAXJ
should improve the development of your muscles by energizing your muscles with the above nutrients and
blasting your body with pro-anabolic synergistic nutrients. For the next generation of explosive creatine
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processing, which is Pure Nutriceutical Processing, provides:
Υ Higher quality than others can attempt to afford Υ Combined cell-volumizing effectiveness Υ Explosive synergistic ingredient combination Thousands of studies have been published regarding creatine, now the second generation of creatine advancement is here. Nutritional Facts: Serving Size: 10 Capsules DHEA (Dehydroeplandrosterone).60 mg * * Zinc.15 mg * * *% Daily value ** Not currently considered essential SALES TIPS

: As a dietary supplement, take 5 capsules twice daily with meals or as directed by your health care professional.


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Creatine Monohydrate, Pro-Mass, DHEA, Amino Acids

No others are available with exclusive P.N.P. processing. Available in a 100 capsule bottle.
: DO NOT exceed 10 GROWTH MAXJ capsules in any 24 hour period.

USA Laboratories makes no representation or warranties concerning the use of GROWTH MAXJfor the diagnosis, cure,
mitigation, treatment or prevention of any disease. Seek advice from a health care provider before using this product. *These statements
have not been evaluated by the F.D.A.

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Fifteenth Edition Copyright September, 2005 East End Medical Associates, P.C. International Lyme and Associated DISCLAIMER: The information contained in this monograph is meant for informational purposes only. The management of tick-borne illnesses in any given patient must be approached on an individual basis using the practitioner’s best judgment. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Part 12


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