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Remember the Side Effects of Haloperidol: A Case Report
G. F. ALVAREZ, G. A. SKOWRONSKIDepartment of Intensive Care, The St George Hospital, Kogarah, NEW SOUTH WALES ABSTRACT An eighteen-year-old man who had a laminectomy and subtotal excision of a lipomyelomeningocele, received a single dose of haloperidol for post-operative pain and agitation. The patient suffered an acute dystonic reaction and was extensively investigated before the correct diagnosis and treatment was instituted. This case illustrates the ease with which extrapyramidal side effects following treatment with haloperidol may be overlooked in complicated medical or surgical cases. (Critical Care and Resuscitation 2003; 5: 266-269) Key words: Haloperidol, benztropine, antipsychotic, neuroleptic drug, adverse drug effect, extrapyramidal
Haloperidol is a psychotropic drug of the butyro-
phenone family and is used for both chronic and short-
An eighteen-year male with an unremarkable past
term therapy. Long-term therapy is commonly used for
medical history presented with a 2-month history of
psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia, senile
disabling back and leg pain. Initially, his pain was
psychosis or the manic phase of bipolar disorders.
controlled with gabapentin, dexamethasone and oral
Physicians not dealing with psychiatric patients are
analgesics. However, his pain became unresponsive and
more familiar with the short-term indications in acutely
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of his spine
confused states including the relief of delusions,
revealed an intradural lipoma extending from the
delirium and aggressive behavior. Although haloperidol
lumbar vertebra (L2, L3) to the sacral vertebra (L5, S1)
appears to function by blocking dopaminergic neuro-
which measured 8 cm in length and 3.5 cm in diameter.
transmission in the central nervous system, the precise
There was encasement of the nerve roots of the cauda
mechanism for its therapeutic effects remains
equina, with the conus adherent to the superior border
unknown.1 Antipsychotic drugs also have the potential
of the lipoma. The MRI of the cervicothoracic spine and
to cause the extrapyramidal syndrome (EPS), which
a computed tomography (CT) scan of the head were
includes a group of movement disorders of dystonia,
akathisia, tardive dyskinesia and parkinsonism.2
An L2-L4 laminectomy and subtotal excision of the
Antipsychotic drug-induced EPS is thought to be
lipomyelomeningocele were performed to untether the
caused by the blockage of central dopamine D2
spinal cord. While the patient did not sustain any
receptors.3 Serious complications include neuroleptic
additional neurologic deficits, because of the extensive
malignant syndrome4,5 and torsades de points6-8 and
dissection of his cauda equina he developed post-
demand the clinician pay close attention to patients
operative radicular leg pain which was treated with
analgesia, gabapentin and decreasing doses of
The following case report illustrates a common
dexamethasone. Postoperatively he remained afebrile
adverse drug effect to haloperidol that was not
with no haemodynamic or respiratory compromise.
recognised early, causing unnecessary investigations
On the third post-operative day, the patient began
complaining of escalating episodes of right shoulder
Correspondence to: Dr. G. Alvarez, Intensive Care Unit, The Prince of Wales Hospital, Randwick, New South Wales 2031 (e-mail: g.alvarez@unsw.edu.au)
Critical Care and Resuscitation 2003; 5: 266-269
and neck pain causing involuntary neck flexion on the
neoplasms to be carefully considered. The effect of
right side. He was orientated, cooperative and
haloperidol may also be exacerbated in the critically ill
responded appropriately to command. Sensory, motor,
patient with multiple organ dysfunction as the agent is
cerebellar and cranial nerve examinations were within
metabolised by the cytochrome P450 system which may
normal limits. The patient was described as having
be compromised during surgical stress.28
"neck muscle spasms and persistent upward gaze." A
et al,29 defined the extrapyramidal synd-
diagnosis of atypical convulsions was made and he was
rome (EPS) as the adverse effects of neuroleptic drugs
admitted to the intensive care unit. A CT of his head
that include hyperkinetic (akathisia, acute dystonia, and
and a lumbar puncture were performed, both of which
acute dyskinesia), and hypokinetic Parkinson-like
revealed no abnormalities. However, on review of his
symptoms (e.g. bradykinesia, rigidity, and tremor).
medical chart, it was noted that twenty-four hours
While, they found that elderly patients and duration of
previously, the patient had received an extra dose of 8
neuroleptic treatment were positive predictors of the
mg of dexamethasone and 5 mg of haloperidol (intra-
EPS,29 a United Kingdom study showed that extrapyr-
muscularly) for radicular leg pain. He was given 2 mg
amidal reactions reported for haloperidol (predom-
of benztropine intravenously with complete resolution
inantly dystonia-dyskinesia) occurred within the first 3
days of treatment and the highest incidence was in
younger patients, especially under 20 years of age.30
They speculated that the incidence was higher in
Haloperidol is widely used, in part because of the
younger patients because of the reduction in D2
lack of cardiovascular side effects. There is a common
receptors in the substantia nigra with increasing age.30
perception that it controls agitation with virtually no
Other retrospective studies have quoted between 20% to
adverse respiratory, cardiac, renal or haematopoietic
30% extrapyridimal adverse drug effects with
effects. However, numerous reports illustrate that
haloperidol and agree that younger age appears to be a
serious side effects can occur in all of these systems,9-14
risk factor for haloperidol-induced EPS.31,32
and dystonia of the larngopharyngeal muscles can cause
et al, identified 424 patients who
throat tightness and dysphagia prompting inappropriate
started haloperidol for the first time, who had a 13.3%
and hazardous medical interventions.15-18
incidence of drug-induced EPS requiring benztropine.3
Hennessy and coworkers performed a cohort study
Kurz et al,33 also examined 59 first time users of
of psychiatric outpatients to determine the rates of
haloperidol and reported that 73% required anticholin-
cardiac arrest and ventricular arrhythmia in patients
ergic therapy to treat parkinsonian symptoms and 24%
using antipsychotic drugs.10 Compared with the control
required beta adrenergic-blockers to counteract neuro-
groups, patients taking antipsychotic drugs (mostly
leptic-induced akathisia. They found that 10.2% of
haloperidol) had a rate ratio of cardiac arrest or ventric-
haloperidol-treated patients developed dystonia during
ular arrhythmia ranging from 1.7 to 3.2 and rate ratio
their first two weeks of treatment. Rosebush et al,34
for death ranging from 2.6 to 5.8. While the literature is
prospectively studied the neuroleptic side effect profile
replete with reports of the potential cardiovascular
of 350 consecutive neuroleptic-naïve patients admitted
consequences of haloperidol,6-8,19,20 not all sudden death
to an acute care psychiatric hospital. Despite a low
episodes in patients taking neuroleptic drugs are
average daily dose of haloperidol (e.g. 3.7 mg), more
attributable to the effect of the drug.21
than 50% of patients suffered extrapyramidal side
Haloperidol has long been used in the management
effects with 127 episodes of acute dystonia that required
of the critically ill patient,22-24 and is often used during
immediate benztropine treatment. While the study
weaning from mechanical ventilation. It is also used in
included neuroleptic-naïve patients only, many patients
critically ill agitated and delirious patients who are
were on concurrent medications known to cause EPS
unresponsive to high doses of narcotics and benzodiaz-
(e.g. selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, tricyclic
epines. Two studies have demonstrated that continuous
antidepressants). Ramaekers et al,35 recruited twenty-
infusions are safe and efficient in reducing nursing care
one volunteers aged 18 to 35 years without any
time and to facilitate weaning.25,26 Both studies noted
significant past medical or psychiatric history. They
prolongation of the QTc interval in some patients that
conducted tests of psychomotor, cognitive and
resolved with decreasing the drug infusion rate.
extrapyramidal functions one hour before and 3 and 6
Critically ill patients can also experience movement
hours after haloperidol on days 1 and 5. Two subjects
disorders (e.g. tongue, hand or leg tremor) upon
withdrew from the study, one because of akathisia after
withdrawal of haloperidol,27 requiring a differential
a 2 mg dose, the other subject suffered an acute
diagnosis of metabolic disturbances, cerebral infections
dystonic reaction on day two. Approximately 65% of
as well as structural lesions following trauma, strokes or
the volunteers experienced EPS requiring
Critical Care and Resuscitation 2003; 5: 266-269
anticholinergic medication during the first five days.
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subjects' concentration causing increased somnolence
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As the elimination half-life of haloperidol is 17 to 18
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hours36 it may exert prolonged effects. Anderson et al,37
described a patient with akathisia 5 days after and
10. Hennessy S, Bilker WB, Knauss JS, et al. Cardiac arrest
dysphoria 6 weeks after receiving a single haloperidol
and ventricular arrhythmia in patients taking
dose of 5 mg. Alternatively, patients can experience a
antipsychotic drugs: cohort study using administrative
nearly immediate adverse drug effect.38 Patients who
have experienced drug-induced EPS are more likely to
11. Mahutte CK, Nakasato SK, Light RW. Haloperidol and
have future episodes if antipsychotic medications are re-
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12. Marsh SJ, Dolson GM. Rhabdomyolysis and acute renal
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Haloperidol is easy to use and effective in
13. Sato T, Takeichi M. Drug-induced pneumonitis
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However, it has important adverse side effects that may
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15. Barach E, Dubin LM, Tomlanovich MC, Kottamasu S.
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17. Flaherty JA, Lahmeyer HW. Laryngeal-pharyngeal
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