Translated from Rev Prescrire November 2012;
Translated from Rev Prescrire November 2012;
Translated from Rev Prescrire November 2012; 32 (349): 831 32 (349): 830 32 (349): 828 An initiative to prevent Methylphenidate: Benfluorex and cardiac the adverse effects abuse in Europe valve disease: long delay of metformin in publication In Europe, methylphenidate con- Collaboration between clinicians sumption is rising at an alarming rate. Unresponsive authorities. and a pharmacovigilance centre Reports of abuse and addiction are results in practical benefits for also increasing. In 1998, the Italian health patients. Methylphenidate, an amphe - Lactic acidosis is a well-
larly, in 1999, the French drug regulato-
Metformin accumulation increases the
(1,2), as a last-resort symptomatic treat-
vascular effects of benfluorex (1). A dou-
risk of lactic acidosis. Other risk factors
include: dehydration, cardiac or respira-
tory failure, recent myocardial infarction,
itoring of diabetic patients treated with
liver failure, severe acute alcohol intoxi-
reported in France and elsewhere (2,3). benfluorex or pioglitazone (2). Prelimi-
analysed methylphenidate consumption
reviewed morbidity and mortality resulting
and 33 patients on pioglitazone (27%
from the adverse effects of metforminphenidate consumption rose sharply in
(2). This process is one way of improving
(42 patients treated with benfluorex, ver-
sus 3 treated with pioglitazone; p<0.0001).
valvular regurgitation was generally con-
tion, but the authors did not specify the
metformin, the number of reports of lac-
ed after only one year of benfluorex treat-
mortality fell from 43% to 23%, as did the
In practice. These European data are
proportion of patients requiring intensive
in line with previous observations made in
In practice. The ensuing benfluorex
tion must be taken into account when con-
disaster revealed a lack of responsiveness
sidering methylphenidate prescription. In practice. Collaboration between Selected references from Prescrire's literature
Prescrire Rédaction "Méthylphénidate: un
amphétaminique à ne manier qu'avec beaucoup
de précautions" Rev Prescrire 2011; 31 (330): 263.
Selected references from Prescrire's literature 2- Prescrire Editorial Staff "Methylphenidate: abuse
and addiction" Prescrire Int 2012; 21 (131): 241. 1- Inspection générale des affaires sociales "Enquête Selected references from Prescrire's literature 3- Prescrire Editorial Staff "Methylphenidate"
sur le Mediator°" Rapport définitif, tome annexes,
Prescrire Int 1997; 6 (31): 126-130. 1- Prescrire Rédaction "4-1-3. Patients sous met- 4- Micallef J et al. "Detection and magnitude of 2- Derumeaux G et al. "Echocardiographic evidence
formine" Rev Prescrire 2011; 31 (338 suppl. interac-
methylphenidate abuse and misuse using Vigibase
for valvular toxicity of benfluorex: a double-blind
and correlation with data from drug utilisation stu-
randomised trial in patients with type2 diabetes
2- Gillet I et al. "Metformin: from pharmacovigilance
dies" 33rd Pharmacovigilance Meeting, Dijon: 4-
mellitus" Plos One 2012; 7 (6): 12 pages.
to medical practices improvement ! A morbimor-
6 April 2012. Fundamental Clin Pharmacol 2012; 26 3- Afssaps "Commission nationale de pharmaco-
tality review (MMR)" 33rd Pharmacovigilance Meet-
vigilance, compte rendu de la réunion du mardi
ing, Dijon: 4-6 April 2012. Fundamental Clin
29 Septembre 2009" 24 November 2009: 12 pages. Pharmacol 2012; 26 (suppl. 1): 39 (abstract 457). 4- Prescrire Editorial Staff "France's Mediator° scan- 3- Prescrire Editorial Staff "Analysing an adverse
dal: take the high road"
event in primary care: a multidisciplinary, collabo- rative process" Prescrire Int 2011; 20 (121): 274-278.
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Eu-SPRI Forum PhD Circulation 2011/12 EUROPEAN FORUM FOR STUDIES OF POLICIES FOR RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Circulation Report Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research Strategic policy making in innovation policy (working titel) Department of Business and Politics, Copenhagen Business School Section 1 Student’s Achievement During Their Stay Please outline w
Three Phase Theory - Professor J R Lucas As you are aware, to transmit power with single phase alternating current, we need two wires (live wire and neutral). However you would have seen that distribution lines usually have only 4 wires. This is because distribution is done using three phase and the 4th wire is the neutral. How does this help ? Since the three phases are usually 120o out of