Eine Gruppe von Antibiotika antibiotika-wiki.de , zu denen das Natürliche Antibiotikum Lincomycin und sein halbsynthetisches Analogon Clindamycin gehören. Sie haben bakteriostatische oder bakterizide Eigenschaften, abhängig von der Konzentration im Körper und der Empfindlichkeit von Mikroorganismen. Die Wirkung ist auf die Unterdrückung der Proteinsynthese in Bakterienzellen durch Bindung DER 30s-Subeinheit der ribosomalen Membran zurückzuführen. Lincosamide sind resistent gegen die Wirkung von Salzsäure Magensaft. Nach oraler Verabreichung wird schnell absorbiert. Es wird für Infektionen verwendet, die durch Gram-positive Kokken (hauptsächlich als Medikamente der zweiten Reihe) und unvorhersehbare anaerobe Flora verursacht werden.
Cuando se vincula un sitio web que vende productos farmacéuticos desde otro sitio - comprar-farmacia.es, como Search Engine Marketing a través del programa AdSense de Google, la degradación resultante puede disminuir drásticamente la cantidad de ingresos publicitarios obtenidos por el sitio web. Lo mismo se aplica a cualquier inclusión pagada. Esencialmente, el servidor de anuncios sirve una página desde su propio dominio. Si la página contiene un banner (es decir, una imagen) del dominio de una marca, la marca recibirá una parte de los ingresos publicitarios.
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Market research
NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE NUS Business School Department of Marketing BMA5528 Business-to-Business Marketing Instructor: Practice Assoc Prof Ashok Charan Tel: 94871549 E-mail Session: Semester I, 2009/2010
Course Objectives Business-to-Business (B2B) Marketing is designed to provide students with a basic understanding of the concepts of marketing in the context of other businesses, governments, and institutional customers. It encompasses those management activities that enable a supplier firm to understand, create, and deliver value to these business markets. This course will be taught in an application-oriented fashion through brief lectures, class discussions and case studies with the objective of developing critical analysis and problem- solving abilities with respect to business marketing. Text
James C. Anderson, James A. Narus and Das Narayandas, Business Market Management, Understanding, Creating and Delivering Value, 3rd Edition, Pearson Assessment
Assessment wil be based primarily on case studies. Students wil be required to study each of the 9 cases and prepare an analysis on key aspects of the case. In addition, students within teams will be required to analyse one case study in detail and present their analysis to the class for discussion.
• Case analysis (individual) 60% • Case Presentation (team) 20%
List of Case Studies
1. Kunst 1600 Dry Piston pump 2. Optical Distortion, Inc. 3. Oce & Croon 4. Exelon: Eco-Preferred® Power 5. Microsoft: Design of Support Network 6. Interscience 7. TSM Pharmaceuticals 8. Kone: Monospace Launch 9. Infosis Technologies
Course Outline Module I: Understanding Value
Session 1: Introduction; Customer Value Management (Guiding Principles) Session 2: Market Sensing Case Brief: Kunst 1600 Dry Piston pump Session 3: Understanding Customer Firms Case Analysis: Kunst 1600 Dry Piston pump Case Brief: Optical Distortion, Inc. Module II: Creating Value
Session 4: Crafting Market Strategy Case Analysis: Optical Distortion, Inc. Case Brief: Oce & Croon
Session 5: Managing Market Offering Case Analysis: Oce & Croon Case Brief: Exelon: Eco-Preferred® Power Session 6: Managing Market Offering (Continued) Case Analysis: Exelon: Eco-Preferred® Power
Session 7: New Offering Realization Quiz I Case Brief: Microsoft: Design of Support Network Session 8: Business Channel Management Case Analysis: Microsoft: Design of Support Network Case Brief: Interscience
Module III: Delivering Value
Session 9: Sustaining Retailer Partnerships and Customer Relationships Case Analysis: Interscience Case Brief: TSM Pharmaceuticals Session 10: Gaining Customers Case Analysis: TSM Pharmaceuticals Case Brief: Kone: Monospace Launch
Session 11: Gaining Customers (Continued) Case Analysis: Kone: Monospace Launch Session 12: Managing Customers Quiz II Case Brief: Infosis Technologies Session 13: Managing Customers (Continued) Case Analysis: Infosis Technologies Session 14: Course Revision
02.00u, er begint wat te rommelen. Geen onweer, tenzij in mijn darmen. Een eerste bezoek aan het kleinste kamertje dringt zich op en het zal niet het laatste zijn. Veel slapen is niet van toepassing deze nacht en ik verschijn dan ook als een halve zombie aan de ontbijttafel. Een stevig ontbijt zit er zeker niet in, enkel een tas koffie om mijn pillen imodium door te slikken. Een normaal men
VII ESA Congress, Cordoba, Spain, 15-18 July 2002 PYTHIUM SPP. AND TOTAL FUNGI RESPONSE TO GREEN MANURING. Manici L.M., Babini V., Caputo F. Research Institute for Industrial Crops. Via di Corticella 133- 40129 Bologna (ITALY) Introduction In recent years, interest has increased in the use of cover crops to enhance soil fertility (Elmer and LaMondia, 1999). This practice st