
Dr R Chapman
The Surgery
Dr J Henderson
29 Bassett Road
Dr M Horkan
Leighton Buzzard
Dr N Jamal
Dr C Stewart
Tel: 01525 373111
Practice Manager: Mrs Chrystel Dooley
Fax: 01525 853767
Nebuliser Therapy
Your doctor has recommended that you use a nebuliser at home this page will explain what a nebuliser is and how you should use it. These are merely a guide if in doubt contact us! WHAT IS A NEBULISER ?

A nebuliser is a device which is used to administer a solution of drug in the form of a fine
mist for you to inhale. The pump (compressor unit) forces air through the liquid (drug
solution) in the drug chamber (nebuliser chamber). This changes the liquid into a fine mist
which you breathe in through a mask or mouthpiece
This is normally used short term to relieve the wheeze symptom of a chest illness. Some
patients may need long term treatment using a nebulilser. In this instance you will have to
consider purchasing one, as the practices nebulisers are for short term loan only to
ensure we have one ready in the surgery for patients as they need it.
There are three types of medicine which are used in the nebuliser machine
Reliever - salbutamol, ipratropium or a combination of the two. This is to relieve symptoms of wheeze, cough or tight chest. Preventor - steroids - these are rarely used in modern medicine. Saline - this is used to further moisten the airways. You can use this in combination with the reliever.

Plug the compressor unit into the mains. Connect the tubing from the compressor unit to the bottom of the nebuliser chamber. Unscrew the top of the nebuliser chamber. Open the vial of drug solution by twisting off the top. Measure out the correct amount of drug solution and pour into the nebuliser chamber. (Your doctor will usually expect you to use all the contents of entire vial). Sometimes you may need to dilute the drug solution. If your doctor has recommended that you dilute the solution, add the required amount of normal saline. DO NOT dilute the drug solution with water. You need around 4-5ml solution in the nebuliser chamber for it to work properly. Screw on the top of the nebuliser chamber and attach the face mask or mouthpiece to the top of the chamber. USING YOUR NEBULISER

Place the facemask over your mouth and nose and place the strap over your head; alternatively, if you use a mouthpiece place it between your lips. Sit up, well supported, in a chair or in bed and keep the nebuliser chamber upright. Switch the compressor unit on and breathe in and out as normal. Relax whilst using your nebuliser, perhaps by watching television. Whilst your nebuliser is in use, small drops of drug solution may form on the sides of the nebuliser chamber. You can knock these droplets back into the drug solution by gently tapping the side of the nebuliser chamber with your fingernail. When the nebuliser starts to 'splutter' the treatment has finished - this will take between 10 and 20 minutes. A small amount of solution may be left in the nebuliser at this stage, but this is normal. Switch off the compressor unit and disconnect the nebuliser chamber from the tubing.

Each time you use it, wash the nebuliser chamber in warm water. Do not use a brush to clean the nebuliser chamber as you may damage it. Reconnect the nebuliser chamber to the tubing and blow air from the compressor unit through it for a few seconds. This will dry the nebuliser chamber and tubing. Disconnect the nebuliser chamber from the tubing and allow it to dry completely. Disconnect the tubing from the compressor unit. You should not normally use an oxygen cylinder to drive your nebuliser. IMPORTANT!
If you do not get the usual relief from your symptoms by using
the nebuliser, call your doctor at once either at the surgery or via
the out of hours service through our number here at the surgery.
If you have severe respiratory problems please dial 999
Remember this is a short term loan and should be returned to the surgery once you are better. If you need it for longer we have information on how you can purchase a nebuliser.


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Account #: _____________ Date: ______________ Patient's Name: _____________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________ Social Security: ________________ Guarantor Name: ______________________________________________Address: ________________________________________ City______________________________State__________ ZipCode___________Cell: ____________________ Work /

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